It’s culture wars gone mad (wots woke now ?)

Social media hasn’t helped has it!? Twitter is just a vortex of rage…

A very funny vortex of rage


Yeah all good points and agree. I just avoid it because it’s a fucking minefield :joy:

And ultimately- for my work, it’s like when I read about some post modern artist in the fifties painting camels on his arse or something. Initially I’m oh yeah that’s very interesting, ooh what an interesting idea behind it, but after a day or so it’s not utilised in any fashion, it never will and it’s jettisoned quite naturally through the neuronic poop shoot

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It has revealed what was always there.


Yeah true, but I suppose what I mean is more polarising views result in more backlash, triggers, arguments, retweets. So the volume of those opinions increases.


It’s an interesting discussion- guess sociologists will be pouring over this for years to come…

Although everyone seemed ok until Brexit - and now literally (I hate that word) everyone has turned in on themselves. Maybe Brexit was the watershed moment?


Yeah, and my post probably came across a bit curt.

I’ve always thought that it’s like the sci fi “horror” stories of telepathy and a society where everyone knows what everyone else thinks and can’t shut it out…as a society we’re just learning to deal with it.

Probably take a generation (not ours) :slight_smile:


But - what is twitter like in Spain? Are they all more chilled or are they at each other’s throats too?

It’s odd that we’re as a nation supposed to be quite raised eyebrow etc about things but we’ve turned into a nation of rabid road rage loons

Maybe it’s out ineptness ineffectiveness to galvanise any real change. We try and then give up and have a cup of tea - impotence

Maybe a lot of people are just very unhappy

Maybe it’s dietary - the Twinkie defence - peoples brains are so addled on E numbers and McDs they’re wired up all crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That certainly added to it, but writing on the wall in 2010 when cons got in, and 2015 when we had large protests because people didnt like the result. Sad fact is we havent had an proper politician in charge since Thatcher. She said what her plan was, like it or lump it, didnt care if she was hated by half the country for it. Not saying she was the answer but you knew what you were getting. I have a feeling Corbyn was the same, had his beliefs and stuck by them, but we will never know.


Yeah Brexit (with Farage), Trump and Corbyn do seem to have exacerbated it! I’m sure there’s a Long View episode on similar scenarios. The Internet also speeds up the rate of discussion, views, opinions, alliances which feeds back into itself.

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Hiding behind a pseudonym and keyboard anyone can be brave.


Yes I was just thinking that - this easy access to everything- so loads of knee jerk reactions to things. Whereas in the past there would be no vehicle for all these opinions. They’d just wash away

You know if you wanted to have your say - you’d write into the times, maybe write an article or a book etc - or speakers corner. A demo too I guess - but not hop online and call everyone a cnt

Maybe that’s not great for the arts - voices get diluted because that well spring of feeling has other outlets


Is that a proper politician? So in your view is Trump a good politician? I think a leader should have strong core beliefs but be prepared to listen, converse, debate, explain, encourage, but also change their mind. Not just rule with an iron fist (like trump).


Yes if you were accountable for everything you’d say online you’d keep quiet I expect but still the Danny bakers ( admittedly hilarious in that how could he be so stupid :joy: ) of this world balls up

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Yes - Adolfo had some very strong opinions :persevere:

It’s catharsis too. I think a lot of people have a drink go online and shout for a few minutes. It’s screaming therapy writ large. Then they go about their business

Trump was a narcissistic racist sexist bully. That counters any positive in sticking to your guns (pun intended :wink:)

To be fair at least you knew what you were voting for, and could chose not to, better than Blair, Cameron and Boris who all lied to get elected.

Two words, Poll Tax. Certainly listened there.

But name a leader thats shown even half of those traits :rofl:

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At least Blair did the job. Cameron always appeared to do the bare minimum. He talked himself raw. Was only ever interested in the post PM perks. A total light weight. Awful.

And Boris - cerrhhiistt - end of days really :laughing:

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Figuratively :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank Archer:


Didn’t he go to jail for perjury

We will never agree on Blair, what he did was criminal, literally.