It’s culture wars gone mad (wots woke now ?)

Indeed awareness can’t smuggle anything which is why the sentence is constructed as it is above…

But awareness in itself doesn’t add any value, especially in its present form. We see this in multiple examples currently*:

Protester: “Ban him, he is a racist”
Reporter: “What did he do that was racist?”
Protestor: :You don’t know what a racist is?"

It may make people feel better about themselves, perhaps even a little moist, but making claims without evidence or justification is just simply that, making an unsubstantiated claim. Whilst this continues, busloads of marxist ideology gets shipped in underneath.

So, no, i am just as concerned about the alleged awareness as I am the outcome…

*i will try and find the video perhaps…


I wouldn’t say that is an example of awareness, it’s just name calling. I agree it is prevelant now, the transgender women in sport debate is a good example of that. But I think that is a an example of lack of awareness, shouting transphobe and racist to someone who is neither is just name calliing as their opinions are based on emotion rather than anything objective.


people are aware of racism…they call it wherever it suits…it no longer needs to be justified…

sure it’s name calling, but the outcomes can be pretty dire for those called out and it stems from today’s “awareness”…

welcome to marxism…

No, you’re just trying to undermine the awareness to suit your own concerns with some people who have that awareness. The awareness and the behaviours, they’re not the same thing.

You can legitamtely criticise the behaviours without criticising the awareness. I can’t see any legitimate criticism of the awareness, but I’m open minded to counter arguments.

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There’s little evidence of this, lots of people have been prosecuted for twitter comments, and all of them were found under their own name, not even a pseudonym that they had to track down via IP addresses etc.



Shouting out ‘racist’ whenever suits the caller does not mean that racism exists in that instance. That is a legitimate criticism of the awareness and we are aware of their awareness by their behaviour - or those who are willing to see. For the call to have value, it has to be valid and just.

Certainly racism exists, but it does not help the cause to cry wolf, not least because the more noise, the harder it is to spot and deal with the real concerns.

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It’s all getting a bit Evelyn Waugh again :rofl:

I think the cry wolf thing happened ages ago. Everyone’s ‘oh ffs’ :man_facepalming:

i don’t think there have been many prosecutions…but certainly there has been six figure plus of non crime hate incidents - did they all go to court?

Trolling is so widespread - even on Discogs people post inappropriate and offensive slurs on legitimate complaints. These people don’t contribute much to the sites, but are on it frequently just name calling - they’re idiots. Keyboard warriors.


Courts can’t even cope with all the standard small criminal cases - really, some trolling - prosecution. Gawd - good luck

yep, although i am not sure how a life can become so empty that this passes as entertainment…


Well we agree on the main thrust of both our points, but have to disagree on the components - I can live with that.


People seem to enjoy belittling others - it’s playground bullying. It’s pathetic. But even high profile celebs fall prey to this and boy is that unsavoury

Just think it’s symptomatic of this age - instant gratification, junk food, quick everything. It’s all un nutritious bollocks

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why would they not be playground bullies also?

that’s true…

Was just watching news now

Now I have some stories

A certain level of irony to the new Batgirl film being cancelled - for being too woke



No mooning opposition fans.

Wokey left bastards :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::joy: