Kona 25

Yeah - if it rolls down, I’m taking it.
No doubt about it.

Just gotta make sure I finish the damn thing in 2023 :rofl:


I would book the hotel and make sure it’s refundable. After IMUK could be hard to find a room

Big Island Resort haven’t started to take bookings yet. I am on the list (in case I decide to go back). Send them a message and get onto the list. I have a feeling that they might bump prices next year, and don’t blame them.

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This seems to be the biggest inflationary item since we went years ago, the swim skin was $100 - perhaps that was 'cos it was just after they were made illegal in swimming so there were loads of excess ones?

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Of all the stats
This one surprised me the most!


Ste is in my club, he absolutely smashed it :muscle:


22 nd with 9:17, in his age group!

I know it was a fast day and there the best in the world but Jesus tonight!

Big Kurt went 10:30? In a great race paticulary the bike, out of 2500 he wasn’t even in the top half!

Speedster central.


Bolton usually rolls a bit as well, people like Marc Laithwaite usually skips his slot. And 15 extras.

People might have already qualified, deferred or just not want the cost at short notice.

£8k though :flushed: and I think the basic entry is now £1300​:thinking:


I was saying to an ex-TriTalker who’s just started running again that he should get swimming and we can go camp on the beach :joy::joy:


Fifty bucks for a t-shirt. Phwoar

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50 dollars for a t-shirt :exploding_head:
Limited edition, let’s do some simple addition
Fifty dollars for a t-shirt, that’s just some ignorant :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)
I call that getting swindled and :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)
I call that getting tricked by a business

Your welcome (the welcome is all yours)


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Just you wait until you get in the “finishers merch” tent at St George and you won’t even notice the price tags :roll_eyes: :rofl:

All those finishers items that you never knew you needed :rofl:


I’ll do the my standard buy a visor and wear it on the run.

I want a WC towel, that’s top of the list


are they the grey ones?? still have mine - use them when in the campervan

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Got a couple, one black and one brown, pretty useful all these years later


I have a brown Bala towel somewhere


Grey and “brown” - although the brown one is now yellow?
Unless there was a yellow one :person_shrugging:t3:

I came 3rd AG at the British Middle Distance champs and got a nice bronze medal in a box, plus £20, at one of those races.
The other one, I swerved to avoid a pheasant on the way home, hit a kerb in the middle of nowhere, cracked my alloy. Drive home on an egg wheel. £300 damage :sob:


Thinking about it, one is dark brown, one orangey colour, plus the black one

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likewise. wonder if it was the same year? (grey towel but can’t recall the year)

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At Kona in 2013 for every $100 dollars spent in the merch tent you got an IM World Champs buff. I have quite a few of these! At least five.


Had to be 2010?
I recall Lou Collins narrowly beating me :sob:

I did 4:23 that year, having done 4:52 the year before in 2009 and 4:54 in 2008 :+1:t3::ok_hand:t4:

Think I found the PEDs in 2010 :joy::joy:

EDIT: I loved that race. Was sad to hear of its demise when I started up again. It’s was the first race I went to enter. I enjoyed the ability to use the showers afterwards.