Manchester Marathon moved

I’m in Red B

Plan is now to spend first 5k building from 5 to 4.50 hold that until half way and then go to 4.45.

I averaged 4.47 at Dorney 20 miles on this strategy and think I could have easily. finished off the last 6.


If this is your first marathon then be prepared for it to be more difficult than you imagine, it’s like it’s been designed for you to need run on empty after 20 miles.
My view is it’s better to run strong at the end than fade to a crawl because you went out too fast. It’s not a question of speed but fuelling, you want to keep you HR as low as possible for as long as possible at the start to save the glucose.
A sub 3 marathon is a super feather in the hat, aim for that and if after 21 mile you still feel strong then you will easily shave some minutes off.
There’s a good Sub 3 Marathon Facebook group with lots of great advise for running at your pace.


I’d go with your plan.

Blow up.
Swear never to Do another one.
Sign up for a 40 mile race.
Go through 26.2 miles faster than your marathon PB.
Swear never to do that distance again.
Do a double marathon.
First and second marathons are both quicker than your first marathon.

Do a marathon as part of an Ironman.
Even that’s faster than your marathon PB.



I’m prepared for it to get grim, how grim will be for me to find out. I know I’m likely to go out a bit fast but I will try and arrest that. Fueling I’m fairly happy with, see some of my other posts, its something I always do on my longer runs. I’m planning to carry a 2 or 3 gels as back up and probably take one at each aid station on the course, SIS which I’ve had before. HR wise I’m a revver but I can smash along at 180 for a relatively long extended period of time.

The aim has always been a VLM GFA time which really needs to be sub 2:55.


Cool, hope it works out for you.

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I’m also in for this, entered a couple of weeks ago. Usual mind games this week :roll_eyes:, couple of poor sleeps have added up and also the thought of the distance. Only managed 1 long run\walk and only managed 42k in a week twice in months!

But, it’s a chance to get a Boston QT and as I got a Boston virtual I’ll give it a go. Ideally I think I’ll need something quicker than 3:17, although 3:20 might actually do, it depends on the field size next year. Entries open in a few weeks.

Loose plan is to go out with the 3:15 pacer or maybe just a bit quicker and try and get some time in the bank. Biggest concern is if the body will hold together, I know it’s going to be sore but if I can get to about 35K I can probably hang on.

Having seen how some people got on at London it’s dawning on me how far 42k actually is, I think I’ve got enough speed, but endurance and holding together I’m less sure about.

I’ll ease down for a few days and give it a go.

Better to try and fail than wonder what if? (I’ll have the answer in a few days :joy:)

Edit: I’m in red A start as well


Similar gameplan I had. Got the speed not the endurance. Just didn’t have the minerals for that final 10km!

Best of luck Jeff. Weather is looking perfect :crossed_fingers:t2:


Totally go for it! What’s to lose?!

I managed an hours sleep night before so I was moaning all the way to the start line. But once we set off, even though it wasn’t the most comfortable experience I still thoroughly enjoyed it. The atmosphere was ace, and regardless of time if I hadn’t run I know I would have regretted it.

Best of luck - and everyone else running 🏃‍♂ :running_woman:


Any tracker action for Manchester?

So who’ve we got?

@jeffb @Sowler @Jgav @toby_Hole_in_the_leg

Have I missed anyone? Any numbers and targets and stuff? Love a bit of weekend tracking. Mrs GB thinks I’m a weirdo. But then there are multiple reasons beyond race tracking for her to hold that opinion! :joy:


I’ll try and look later, might be live splits but I’m not sure it’s reliable. Think they use racetekresults?

JGav - 8300 (targeting 3.30)


Sadly you’ll have to strike me off the list :pensive: ( quite relieved actually :sweat_smile: )


I thought it was optimistic so soon after London

Yeah. Brother won’t be about in Manc either so would be a hassle. He’s stays quite close to local station in west Didsbury so makes getting to and from very easy.

Good luck to you all on Sunday :fist:

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Good luck all, go well!

Tracking is here Predictive tracking available this weekend - Manchester Marathon
I think there is also video coverage on the website too.

JGav - 8300 (targeting 3.30)
Sowler - 2578 (Sub 3:00)

Just had my kit shake out run and a few km at race pace, with the usual, ‘how am i going to hold this for 42km’ thoughts creeping in…


Sean Burke is going for his maiden marathon too.


I hate him, too :wink:
(Despite only saying five words to him - ha ha ha)
(It’s only because he executed the races I didn’t have this season - plus he had the same trikit and helmet as me, so thought it was me on some photos!)

JGav - 8300 (targeting 3.30)
Sowler - 2578 (Sub 3:00)
jeffb - 6975 (3:15-3:20)