Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

Yeah no swim pbs will be set but I’d take my chance with a strong bike/run

If the weather stays ok I can get in the river fairly regularly, it’s about a 10 minute drive and free.

There’s also a lake option but that’s about 40 minutes each way and £5.

Although I don’t tend to go in the river if it’s been raining, but it would be enough to get me round the course. Also got a couple of options in the sea if I want them, know a few friends that go in.

Swim England have written to the Government . Real concerns many pools wont even reopen as they cant afford to. Think it was Palace, but one pool has £44k per week costs just to stay closed so already lost half a mill in lockdown, then theres the costs to refill, deep clean and put whatever measures will be required to reopen.

Crazy isn’t it, how something that has killed less than half-a-million worldwide, has the potential to change the fabric of the ‘world’ as we know it, to such a great extent.

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Yeah, I’d be the same. The couple of OW swims I’ve done would indicate I could swim about a 1:10 as it stands. Although if I go by the distance reported by my watch, rather than the organisers claimed course distance, then it’d be more like 1:15! Still, both of those are only really costing me 10-15mins on paper, and I’d like to think I’ve made big cycling gains in the current situation.

That said, what I have noticed from my couple of OW swims is just how dead my legs feel when cycling home. I think as hammerer has always said, time invested in the swim is not so much about the time you gain in that aspect of the race, but more importantly how fresh you feel hopping on the bike. After my two swims recently, I wouldn’t particularly fancy riding 180k if I’m being truly honest

Probably should email them about this option. Would take a weight off. Getting somewhere for this year was fairly stressful

For anyone that entered Staffs 70.3, what were your options, defer to next year, were there other choices, for this year or next?

Or the pittance of a refund.

Paging @Poet

IM Nice is apparently on. Mid October. Showing as already sold out though.
As much as I’d like to get a race in this year, to take the pressure off next year, I guess the likelihood of them accepting transfers is low, even if lots of people defer. Lower numbers helps the distancing element.

After the 70.3WC’s last year, Nice would appeal. I enjoyed the location and event.

There’s a couple of others like Greece that might also go ahead, assuming you can get there etc.

Nice was good, it’s a nice place with lots of choices on hotels etc., plenty of flights and you could even drive in about a day if necessary.

Both transitions were big enough and I doubt they’d have the same numbers that they got for WC, so distancing might be a bit easier, I think France are <2M as well?

If people are flexible, entering Weymouth might not be as big a risk, assuming worst case you’ve got next September free as it stands. Might discount IM Wales people though.

If it goes ahead this year then you’ve got a race, if it doesn’t there’s likely to be deferral options but it’s not obvious whether they’ll be for the few remaining races this year or into next year, or you do Weymouth next year, which will hopefully go ahead.

10% active fee though :astonished:

That’s the issue for me. Next year is already stacked with events due to deferrals, so the motivation is trying to transfer one of them to a 2020 race that might go ahead. The plan would probably require transferring Vitoria, as if something happened to the other event at the last minute, and it got scrubbed, I’d need to be able to do the standard timing of the event, which is most likely summer 2021. If I transferred the Wales slot, then I’d probably end up with Vitoria and [insert race here] within a few weeks of one another.

That said, Vitoria is still not “off”. Update was due 4th June, but still nothing. To me, that does begin to imply they’re trying to find a way to run it later in the year. Given standalone marathons run in San Sebastian marathon is held end of Nov/early Dec, it’s not entirely out of the question they could host a race in northern Spain pretty late in the year.

Fan Dance Race is (predictably) now postponed back to 3rd weekend in Sep.

These were the options @jeffb

Transfer to Weymouth could be appealing if by some miracle it’s on. Not sure if there’s a cutoff date to transfer?

Edit - cutoff was May 13th. Who knows if IM would still honour it.

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@stenard - don’t transfer Wales. It’s a race that should be on everyone’s bucket list


Yeah, not my plan to do that

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Kick off like a petulant little school child and get a full refund.

If you paid with a CC, just contact the issuer and you’ll more than likely get one. Despite what the terms state.

If you paid on a debit card, it’s a bit more convoluted, depends on how nice your bank/building society are feeling.

Depending on what they offer for Vitoria, I might go down this route. I’d rather not have to do a full early summer next year.

Out of interest, when you got your money back from the bank, have you had any follow up correspondence from Ironman? As a default position you would have been rolled forward to 2021 events, so have they identified you’ve got a refund via a charge back (which I guess eventually lands back with them) and cancelled your slots? Did your bank require you to provide some evidence that you wouldn’t use the rolled forward slots? etc

Well…they said it looked like I could have it back, based on sending them the email chain…now they’re looking at it further :triumph::person_facepalming:t4:

Word to the Wise:
Keep in mind that if they find out you’ve embellished anything and they ask you to sign something, then Ironman send them information otherwise, you may get a Fraud marker on your credit file and be asked to repay the money and the time spent investigating.

DC chargebacks work a bit different (120 day limit) but extenuating situation and all that.

I’m with a building society, but I’ve had to provide every email I’ve sent to Ironman.

Yes, for sure, which is why I was asking.
I had the same kind of issue with claiming travel insurance on flights. When BA were just offering vouchers, I had to chance that I’d get refunded one way or another as the travel insurance were very clear that if I requested the vouchers then I’d have no longer suffered the “financial loss”.

In this instance, I’m wondering if the banks would require you to relinquish your place first, to then make the claim. If that’s the case, it’s not worth the risk if they decline. Although if I got my money back, I’d happily commit to 100% withdrawing. It’s a tricky one