Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

I was thinking if I enter Weymouth now rather than any transfer. If it then gets binned I wouldn’t want them to try and force me to go to the race in Turkey, or Alcudia TBH.

Problem with Weymouth 21 is that I’ve half got my eye on trying to qualify for the 70.3 WC’s again, it’s in September but no actual date announced yet, and wouldn’t want it to be the same weekend.

Think I’ll wait a bit longer.

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Ah that’s interesting. Utah isn’t it!

If we’re in August and there’s any likelihood it could go ahead I think I’d be keen to enter.

Got a week planned down in Cornwall then which we could cut short on the Saturday and then stay the night with family in Swanage. Which I’m guessing is around an hours drive. Sounds like it could be plan.

So only really 2 options then. A foreign event isn’t exactly like-for-like, and what about the travel implications with COVID (ffs).

Agreed. Under the circumstances I don’t get the foreign transfers. I think I heard on the radio the other day that air travel has been down 70% - I’ve absolutely no idea how it’s not down 99% who on earth has been able to fly? (And for what purpose?)

Anyway going off piste here. I’m fortunate to be in a position that rolling to next isn’t an issue!

I heard a rumour on Satuday that Nice was on, so speculatively submitted an entry. Think it sold out almost instantly on Wednesday when it was confirmed on IM website.

Still a good chance it may not go ahead… however it’s the perfect event for me. Lanza. Nice and Wales are the IM events I want to do. Other than Kona

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Nice is wonderful


Nice (:joy:).
A risk though, that you could end up with Lanza and Nice 3 weeks apart in 2021?

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VLM has kicked the can down the road again.

Now we wait until the end of July :woman_shrugging:t4:

what a jumble of a message! Took me ages to find the core sentence “We will be in touch again on 28 July.”

Yeah same as Manchester did earlier this month.

Edinburgh has been binned as well today, no surprise but apparently no refunds. Options are defer, voucher, charity I think.

Tell me about it. I think that’s why everyone appears to be reacting as badly as they are. Just be honest and succinct about it.

I know they are hoping for the best but when do people start training for it!

My training plan is a 12 week one but it does rely on better base fitness than I have now. So I better get moving. 10 miles planned this Sunday.

I now have this little reminder on my desk…


why does everyone keep banging on about ‘when do you start training for it’ as it if its some major investment even at 18 weeks out and they will be horrible affected if they train and it doesnt go ahead.

If you’re an absolute beginner you arnt deep in training at 15 weeks out so some nice easy running around now is something you should probably be doing anyway and at the other end of the spectrum if you’re an elite you’ll probably be running lots anyway and be in generally good shape so dont need enormous notice anyway. Ive even seen some people claiming its a big mental health impact at this stage

“Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be kind, always”

Take a few steps in other people’s shoes. For a lot VLM is a first marathon and on top of all the upheaval of everything going on around us, these delays are a lot to cope with.

I’m not a natural runner and work better with a structured, focussed programme. Mess me around for swim, no issues, I’ll just jump in and do whatever.

You’re lucky you’re living/working/existing in an environment that allows you to consistently train and your athletic capacity means you can keep running or switch on/off for whatever race. Appreciate that ability, not everyone has it.

Think beyond yourself for things like this, everyone is unique.

(I’ve written that in my compassionate and empathetic voice, not a raging tirade at someone I don’t know)


Email from Ironman Staffs today wanting confirmation to 2p21 deferral

No transfer to another event
Cannot transfer to 2022
No partial refund available.

A touch on the harsh side

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im really trying not to be that person who just says ‘people are too soft’ because I fully understand everyone is different and everyone encounters problems differently, but I really struggle to have empathy with the thing that people think uncertainty over an event 15 weeks away is an big problem.

No one wants to be messed about and training for a marathon is big task, especially for those who running isn’t their first love. But like other things like health and safety, people are throwing the term of ‘mental health’ around over ever little thing and trivialising it such that it will lose it gravitas as to how important it really is. Mental health is also about resilience to the every day stresses we encounter. I suspect throwing accusations of irresponsibility at the people working their hardest to see if they can stage an event is more damaging than an individual knowing if they should run 10 miles or 12 miles this week.

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This is pretty much a Forum of ‘the initiated’, granted. However, if people are uncertain what they should be doing in the face of uncertaintly, I would say to just stay fit, keep running to Plan B, if that changes, then try to have a Plan C. As long as there’s a base fitness, then it’s a springboard.

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My best performances at marathon and Ironman have come from being generally fit through doing running and cycling stuff I enjoy then doing a focused 8-10 week training block for a specific event.