Looks like Cotswold 113 might go ahead in September now. Short swim or no swim options available. We shall see nearer the time but quite fancy joining in if possible
See if your boss is interested in doing it? Local to me so I could wait out on the course for him with my frame pump
many spots left?
Could be keen on a little non-competitive jaunt up the M5
Similar. Especially if they do hold Vitoria at some point in October. I’d really rather have done at least one race beforehand, even if just go through the motions of kit, nutrition, etc
Thing is, I’d only want to enter if it was definitely on. I can’t afford another race getting shelved last minute to 2021. Not a monetary thing … but a timing/scheduling thing!
Yeah i’d not be looking at training for it or anything, but just something to keep me a bit more honest and to spark a bit of that competitive spirit on the day, even if i know i’ll be way, way off what i could be capable of.
I’ve only lost one race from this year (now next spring) so it would actually set me up for a decent autumn/winter.
Not sure if any spots available, I’d guess there’ll be a decent drop out rate a0 because of a lack of training options for some and b) as they’re also allowing people to do a virtual version, they may want to keep the numbers low to make logistics easier but then again will probably need as much £££ as they can to reduce their losses
Just had a friend enter Ironman Portugal on the 7th November this year.
Ironman Lake Placid, who about 3 months ago said that it would not be held on the scheduled date in late July, have just come out and said it is going ahead 5 weeks later at the end of august.
However I have done bugger all proper training as I never expected it would be able to go ahead (nor do I think it will still, but who knows), so I am hoping they allow for transfers to 2021.
I was going to say most elites will take 8 week build, I reckon most averagely fit people could do that. 10 better for Ironman for an age grouper. But 8 weeks out from marathon if your long run is 60-90 minutes you have bags of time. If you are off the couch because you cant motivate yourself to even run occasionally as part of your lifestyle then perhaps you need to reconsider your race choice
I’m not a natural runner but I’m still a 4h20 marathon runner and I’ve done ultra marathons - no they’re not great times but they’re not back of the pack either. There’s no way I’d be able to run a comfortable marathon in 10 weeks time but I’m running at least 3 times a week at the moment.
While I need a plan to keep me focussed I also find training for a marathon racing and stressful. My last attempt at London was a disaster thanks to it being 3 weeks after an ultra marathon and because I’m not good for age the entries don’t come round that easily, so I’d like to do a decent time, and enjoy not endure it. Guess I’ve got something to focus on now.
Hmm, I’ve got a priority invitation email for Ironman Cork 21 this morning, last time I looked there were plenty of slots this year.
Having said that, as most races that roll to next year are already full essentially, the remining ones with entries like this will probably benefit.
Plus you might get to meet Triathlon Taren. Surely that alone is worth the entry fee.
But if everyone is already entered in a 2021 event through deferral, how many people are there looking for a new entry next year?
This. Next year is looking insane with what I hoped to do in 2021 anyway, plus all my deferred races/events.
No interest whatsoever when I got that Cork email this morning!
Yes, good point, maybe some people might see it as a post lockdown year challenge? I’m really not sure it’s a destination course, the weather in year 1 will possibly put people off.
Cork is a lovely place though, but maybe not somewhere you’d take the kids for a holiday if you are trying to sell a family holiday?
I’ve heard of that Taren, @FatPom, has he deferred or something. Is he on YouTube or something.
Yeah he’s a Canadian you tuber. Used to post daily videos but gave that up. It’s his road to Kona now
Years ago his channel was watchable as a pudgy journeyman into tri type of thing.
Now the channel is just one I’ll informed shill for his sponsors or his training platform. I haven’t watched for months and even then it was irregular. The last I heard he was using Cork as a shot for Kona, so I assumed he has deffered?
He must have. Saw he underwent surgery with some varicose vein issues
ETU Standard Distance Champs going ahead:
be very interesting to see how many Brits go due to the quarantine rules when coming back.