Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

I guess people want merch for the infamous non-events of 2020!

Looks like Ironman have canned a few more races for this year in the last few days, both in Europe and around the world. Particularly where local lockdowns are getting enforced.

First European race is scheduled for Sept 5th ATM. We should have a wager on when the first goes ahead, if any this year.

A couple of mates signed up for Portugal a few days ago. I’ve been tempted by the 70.3, worst case it gets cancelled and I have to go next year, it’s that late there’ll be few other options they can do for this year. But I can’t see the water being very warm in November and zero chance of OW swimming round here at that time.

Have I missed what’s happening with Tenby; is it postponed?

Cancelled basically, people will be transferred to next year, or probably a couple of alternatives.

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Yep, automatic transfer to next year using our 1 free deferral in the process. Refund works out 25% at this time. Can do the usual pay £xxx too transfer to a race in 2020 which isn’t happening so no real choice. At least my hotel gave me a free transfer to next year. I may actually get to do the race one year.

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Unsurprisingly, Leicester has been cancelled. However full credit for the strength of their message, in good time with an array of options.


Here’s a bit of joy for you… this week IM have asked for deferrals to be accepted for Copenhagen 2020 to 2021. They will not allow transfer to any other event.

If you don’t accept the deferral, you lose your money and place.

If you do accept, you can’t then change to another event, defer or withdraw. You must make this decision in the next few days. Further more, if they subsequently cancel the 2021 event, then you have no rights to any further deferral or transfer and will lose your fee, and they have confirmed in writing to a friend that this is the case.

Nice way to treat your customers. I’d almost be more understanding if it weren’t for the fact that a transfer to another race would cost them no more than a bit of admin time. I just don’t get why they are working so hard to piss so many customers off.

Remember that a crisis doesn’t shape character, it reveals it. Same with businesses.


The more I read of “rumours” around London marathon the more I think this might happen with the 2020 event. More specifically for those of us that deferred from 2019. Now that you can only defer once I think they may back us into a corner a bit.

Valid deferral last year with a nearly torn Achilles so obviously can’t defer again and missed the opportunity after the first postponement. I feel like they’ll tell us the event is going ahead in October under weird conditions and we won’t be able to defer again.

I thought that was dodgeball? :rofl:

I wonder if the less generous deferral/cancellation terms are driven by a realisation that things still might not be back to “normal” even next year and they don’t have the resources to run for 3 years on 1 year’s entry money.

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I think my friend is in a similar situation, deferred last year or her GFA doesn’t cover next year.

I don’t really see how they can go ahead even with the current easing, Bournemouth cancelled this morning and they are smaller events without the crowds.

They aren’t really helping themselves this year. Will be interesting to see if it loses them customers in the coming years. Albeit the marketplace is going to reduce.

That’s an absolute disgrace.

I just hope most people realise that Ironman isn’t the be all and end all of long course racing. There is something inherently wrong with a companies culture when it treats their customers as an afterthought.

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This is basically all IM events, Wales was same you could move to another EU 2020 event for usual transfer fee though, but where tgere aren’t any! Lose deferal by deferring to next year but they did at least cancel in the 25% refund window. Does seem a lot of credit card charge backs are being successful, at least if you believe farcebook so worth a try

Had another AWA priority email for 2021 events, a few still had slots I think but a couple might be where people have swapped to another race.


Doubt I’ll be doing any, interesting to see what happens with Bolton, e.g. will the remaining spaces fill quickly or still be accepting entries next May?

I wonder, before Ironman, if those places ever appeared on the same list?



Was anyone else entered into the Brett Owler Winter Marathon in November? It was supposed to be in 18 weeks, hence I was thinking I should start training for it today. Turns out it’s been postponed to next year; which is fine, but I don’t think I ever got an e-mail or anything to tell me that was the case. Anyone else? I can’t see it in a Spam folder, but I guess I might have missed it.

Edited to add: Maybe this has just happened and they’ve not gone out yet? is still showing the date as 22nd November 2020

Chicago binned today, offering to let people defer over the next 3 years. Got a feeling London might do the same.

Thats a good plan. Deferring over several years is quite a smart strategy, as it gives people some flexibility, but also avoids cutting off all your 2021 revenue as an event organiser too. IM should pay more attention!


Yes, similar to UTMB and weren’t Berlin or NY offering the same?