Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

I did Chicago in 2006 as my first marathon. Loved it. I’ve never suffered more. Hope you get back to it next year?

I hope they do. I think I’ll leave it to 2022.

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That would be the safer option right now. Although there was another comment a few days ago saying they might just aim for October 21 rather than April. But that would clash with NY, Berlin, Chicago etc. for the elite fields.

I’d already seen stuff from our club about this. I thought it was already announced? London apparently asking you to defer your entry to one of the next three years. You get to state a oref, but if everyone chooses next year they have a ballot within the deferrals to determine which year you get deferred to

I was just sorting out some paperwork (you know from ‘that pile’ that we all have :wink:) and I came across my Bramley bib for this year (it was canned because of floods).

I’d forgotten about it TBH. I wonder with all the deferments, re-deferments etc, how many people are simply going to miss races they are entered in because they forgot?

Don’t change your email address. :laughing:

No it was an article in the telegraph about “what could happen”. We’re waiting for the next official announcement on the 28th July.

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Ah, OK. The way people were moaning on our club page made me believe it was an announcement!

Manchester marathon gone for 2020

I reckon the new lockdown in Barcelona is a sign of how volatile things are going to be in the coming months. I think anyone booking anything overseas more than a few weeks in advance is being very brave

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I was thinking the same myself, I had my eye Portugal 70.3, and if it gets cancelled I’ll get moved to a new event but the hassle of sorting flights and hotels if it gets binned at the last minute is a pain.

Still haven’t had my voucher from KLM since April.

I also read there is a spike near Emilia Rogana in Italy where there races are in September.

The 20s is the decade of the Staycation.

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The plug has just been pulled on Diry Reiver, a 200km gravel race I had booked in September. Gutted! Was sure a mainly solo event would have been fine to go ahead :(.

I entered a fell race yesterday, cancelled it this morning so I’ve got a refund already :roll_eyes:

Yup, agree with this. Another couple of IM events canned in the last few days.

I am increasingly of the opinion that IM will have to declare bankruptcy shortly to wipe the debt it carries. I can’t see it being able to service its borrowing for too much longer, as surely you’d imagine that its running out of the money that it has hung on to, yet still isn’t getting any fresh income. Its so heavily leveraged that it must surely only be a matter of time?

and in steps the PTA to save Kona. Just in the nick of time.

As lovely as that would be, I suspect the VC vultures will swoop in and buy the IM brand and start the merry go round all over again. Kona and the IM brand are too inextricably linked, and no one will be able to use the IM brand, and hence set up a ‘Kona’ without buying it, as you’d imagine that, if they were to go pop, that its the one asset that they’d have left with any residual value.

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Just seen this includes VItoria. No email received which is annoying!!


Does that bring more 21 calendar issues back?

Yes, somewhat. Although who knows what will happen re Boston which was the key challenge.

Hamburg gone as well.