Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

or phoenixing depending on who starts the newco, I think

Not exactly related to IM but there was a good interview with Evan Davis on Coronavirus Newscast where he explained that there is a lot of UK business that will fail when the Furlough scheme ends mostly due to the debt they have and that the government is working on making it far easier to restart the business as a new company as they would otherwise be healthy & maintain employees. Sounds a dubious practice in normal times but in our overall interest right now.

wait for the banks to scream… bet they’ll still be making claims against all those small business owners that have had to put their homes up against the loans as collateral… i’ll believe that this government will make it easier when I see it. Its telling that one of the most vicious pursuers of debt is HMRC.

hmmm, private equity company buys company, saddles it with a shed load of debt in order to take out a ton of cash themselves and then flogs it on before the music stops

familiar tale


arr yes there was a company set up called Boleyn Phoenix that bought the West Ham stadium for 40 million from the club. It sold it less than 24 hours later for 60 million. The company did no other trading for 4 years before folding this year. Someone made a lot of money overnight on the back of the club. They didn’t even try to hide what they were doing with their name

Did I hear that Philip Green was going to buy Ironman, and Dominic was waiting in the wings?

And pass the claims back to credit card companies for refunds for races that never happened. Although that depends, technically I should already be on the startlist for the 70.3 next year.

And some races are done as a license, not many these days though.

It;'s the first time I’ve seen that the old Providence owner is now the new (part) owner of IM, so that was news to me. I bow to your greater inside knowledge.

Taupo 70.3 completely binned now, athletes getting an email but it didn’t elaborate. Must be a refund?

NZ would be unlikely to let anyone in until after a vaccine or equivalent, so can’t see they had any option.

Although it did say they were looking at going in 2022 which might piss off Finland and Klagenfurt that were both hoping for it.

See what happens with Kona.

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It has happened.

Kona cancelled

Sounds like CLS arew still aiming to run the Lanza 70.3, but I don’t know how that would work from an insurance point of view for any British racers if Spain is still on the FCO red list by race day?

And it’s been cancelled, because of course it has

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and the problem is? in the 6 weeks between the 2 announcemounts, the Covid situation in Europe has changed a fair bit with increased numbers of cases in many countries and new travel restrictions so the ETU were left with an event that may not have had full representation from athletes and federations, so they cancelled it rather than have “unbalanced” competition. they were left with a tough choice in reality.

Euro Cross Tri and Cross Du in Targu Mures has also been pulled for the same reasons.

I suspect there will be other such as the planned WTS event in Hamburg as Covid is on the increase in Germany.

Where did I say there was a problem? My expectation is that virtually all mass events this year will be cancelled, and has been since April or May. I was going to add that I am more surprised by event organisers who still think big events might happen in the autumn, like London Marathon - but there are several reports today that London has been cancelled (although not official yet as far as I can see)

ok - my misunderstanding of “because of course it has” which I assumed you meant you had a problem with this.

I’m not sure ALL mass events will be cancelled - Cotswold 70.3 went ahead last weekend, and I know Hever Castle is planning to go ahead in September (with at least 3000 participating over 2 days) plus various others all running under BTF Covid guidelines. But these are UK events which don’t have the travel restrictions that international ones will have, and where you would get unbalanced fields for what are championships. There are no UK champs or qualifiers left so what is left are “participation events”, rather than races (and Covid guidelines emphasise this with no results per se, or podiums, and no fanfare on the finish line).

London Marathon I can’t see happening - how do you manage that number of runners on a crowded course, or stop spectators - unless it’s an elite/championship race only with limited numbers taking part.

The EA got quite a lot past the DCMS agreement on that, but you do need to buy in and use suitable crowd management / processing software that can show you’re cool, so they much more remit than any other NGB, but I agree they will still struggle to actually make it happen but what they got off the DCMS makes it easier than others from what I can see.

Looks like London is elites only in one of the parks. 2021 is delayed until October. Do right around Chicago, Berlin, NY

Couldn’t see what they are doing for this years entries though.

Edit: deferrals over next 3 years.

London Marathon looks UTTER DOG SHITE.
17 laps of St James’ park anyone?

can’t see they’ll go sub2 on that.
It’s on a bit of an incline.

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So relieved London isn’t happening. Now to decide which year to pick.