Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

Matt was due to do Nice wasn’t he?

2 weeks time.

Mayor of Nice has said all events with “more than 300 participants” - Tour is technically only 179. There are a lot of questions being asked.

Nice has gone. Also Nice 2021 full so no idea what transfer policy will be.

Tallin on 5 Sept is still on, given current situation in Europe, I expect a very late cancellation of this event too. Portugal in November I would think is highly unlikely now

If Nice entry is defered to 2021, I will be racing Lanza on 22 May, Nice on 13 June and Roth on 6 July, 3 ironmans in 6 weeks… really hoping I can defer Nice to 2022

I simply do not understand how Rapperswil is not cancelled, in Switizerland, all events with more than 1000 people are banned until the end September.

Friend, who is very close to Ironman in US told me that the financial situation is pretty dire, also 2021 races will have no cancellation insurance

So far I have been looking at the situation with a glass half full perspective, however, I think that it is pretty clear now that 2021 could be very similar to 2020. Large gatherings, like mass participation sporting events represent too much risk for many local communities to support. One possible outcome will be events of less than 1000 people will be permitted, but very difficult for an organisation like IM to make any profit on this size race

How will that help them? As that will mean they get no cash at all from the credit card companies as they’ll be on 100% withhold until the event?

I’m thinking a lot more events like this will start including “training plans” or something with the event, so even if the event is cancelled they get to keep some of the cash and can’t refund.

I agree it will not help them at all. Next year or so could be a very dark time for mass participation events.

On one hand, it would be really sad to see the big Ironman events disappearing, but this could be an opportunity for the small grass roots events. In September, if Rappi is cancelled, I will be organising an informal HIM.

I think a lot of events that have been postponed to 2021 will still run, but under whatever Covid regs are in place then - whether these are IM, ITU or BTF regs won’t matter, but to get them running the organisers will need to comply or they can kiss goodbye to a revenue stream and any goodwill. numbers taking part will have to be severely curtailed under the rules and that will make some of the bigger events unviable.

Got an email saying Beachy Head marathon is going ahead in Oct. They are limiting the entries ,staggered start and other safe guards. Just glad that i will get a race this year

does the e-mail say that South Downs National Park have agreed to it taking place on their land?? (much of the event is on NP land)

Here is the mail

Event update - 14 August 2020

Dear participant

Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present us with challenges, it is important we embrace the new normal to ensure running events in the UK continue to thrive for many years to come. Running events are important to our community as they support many areas including: health, mental health, wellbeing, community engagement and significantly support our local charities.

Over recent weeks there has been a mixture of publicity surrounding endurance / running events, with the likes of the London Marathon sadly cancelling the public event until October 2021 and more positive news with licenced running events restarting up and down the country from 2 August. We have also seen a lot of club training sessions on social media, which is great to see!

Whilst the Beachy Head Marathon is a well supported event, we are fortunate that our numbers are lower than the mass participation events, where social distancing on public transport and at the event is virtually impossible to achieve.

Having paused entries early we have been able to develop our event safety plans based on lower entry numbers, making it possible to introduce realistic and achievable social distancing measures to mitigate against transmission.

Our team has been working extremely hard to overcome the challenges that we now face and we are delighted to announce that the Beachy Head Marathon will be taking place on the 24th October 2020, with it’s support races taking place on 18th October 2020 (Beachy Head Half) and Beachy Head 10k taking place on 25th October 2020.

The event will have a different feel with a whole host of new safety measures including a larger ‘holding’ area at St Andrew’s School playing field and a new start ‘waves’ procedure, which will ensure social distancing is maintained.

We want to be honest and upfront with you regarding changes to the event format. The new normal does mean that we have had to temporarily remove some elements from the event, but we hope you will understand that these measures have been introduced to protect you and to ensure we can host the event this year, as well as for many years to come.

Elements that we are unable to include due to social distancing: Baggage area, indoor changing facility, canteen, physio, swimming pool, mass start, spectators dissuaded from attending, dogs/canine banned for 2020 (reviewed for 2021), in-ear headphones banned (bone conducting allowed).

We also want you to know that we haven’t stripped out all the fun! The Beachy Head Marathon continues to be a community event and our fabulous team of volunteers will be cheering you on from a safe distance. We will also be supplying you with many of your favourite course comforts including: Mars Bars (wrapped), Sausage Rolls (wrapped) and Bananas.

What’s new?

  • Without a canteen we have ordered finish line pasty’s for all the marathon finishers, after all you deserve it!

  • Race pack/chip/number posted out in advance

  • Arrival times

  • Start waves

  • Increased toilet provision

  • Participants are encouraged to bring their own hydration/Gels in the form of a hydration belt/similar. To comply with guidance we are unable to offer water in paper cups. Sealed plastic water bottles will be provided at checkpoints and plastic recycling will be in operation.

  • Overtaking is dissuaded, but allowed if you maintain social distancing/take a wide berth. There will be some sections where overtaking is prohibited.

  • Regular cleaning of touch points: Toilets, Gates, Stiles

  • Hand sanitising stations available on the course

  • Face coverings recommended within holding area (must be removed before start of race)

  • Course detours/changes may apply - Participants will be kept informed

  • Introduction of participant code of conduct

Final event details, including arrival time and start wave time will be shared with participants a few weeks before the event.

We need your support this year more than ever before, as we have significantly reduced our capacity!

What are your options?

I’ve entered and want to keep my place, what happens next?

If you have purchased your 2020 entry you will receive your race pack in the post a few weeks before the event day. No further action is required.

What happens if I decide to participate now and there is a further lockdown on race day?

We will then offer participants a second chance to defer to 2021 or apply for a refund minus the booking fee.

I’ve entered but I no longer wish to participate due to COVID uncertainty, date change, training limitations or injury?

You may sacrifice your entry (support the event, no refund issued), defer your place to 2021 or apply for a refund minus the booking fee, which will be processed shortly after the 2020 event, in September.

The 2021 dates are as follows:

Beachy Head Half Marathon Sunday 17 October 2021

Beachy Head Marathon Saturday 23 October 2021

Beachy Head 10k Sunday 24 October 2021

Centurion held theNorth Downs Way 100 weekend before last - they seemed to manage it really well but I suspect a slightly smaller event than Beachy Head

The Tatton 10km series went ahead last weekend. Those that did it were happy enough with the arrangements.

sounds like they’re pretty well organised for it! all you need now is decent weather so you can at least see where you’re going! I’ve done it 4x in the past and marshalled on a number of occasions but not for some years since moving away from the town.

Never done it. Always wanted too.

probably one of the best marathon distance events around in the UK. if the weather is sunny and clear, then the route and views are spectacular; if the clouds are down and it’s raining you’ll wonder if you should have stayed in bed. :slight_smile:

the hard part starts at 19 miles - the Seven Sisters - or Seven Bitches as they are known on the day. the uphills are steep, as are the downhills and they just hurt on knackered quads.

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Trail shoes or road

For the Ironman’s in 21 that aren’t full with rollovers I’ll be surprised if many accept extra entries, e.g. if people swapped races. Unless they were really low from this year.

Also think that the ones like Cork, Finland, Bolton etc. that still had quite a few left will still have entries close to the race as people don’t want to gamble with £600, excluding fees of travel etc.

Almost walkup entries for some races.

will depend on weather but usually road is fine as the tracks are hard and even if we get a lot of rain the chalk will soak it up quickly and you’d never know it had rained, and given how much dry weather we’ve had this year, it’s going to take a long time before that chalk turns muddy and sticky. but if it’s pissing down on the day then trail shoes will give you better grip on the chalk and grass.

I wore trail shoes one year but by the end my feet were complaining as the knobbly soles just made my feet painful on the hard surfaces.

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Nice entry transfers to 2021, with option of an 18 month voucher, which I guess I could use by the end of Feb 2022. What do I do? Race 3 Ironmans in 6 weeks or take voucher and try to use on another event? Any Chance Cascais happening in November?

Trouble is that with races defering all over the place and a chance of Kona Place in October 2021 I am not sure I could get an entry into another race

Could you use the voucher for Kona :wink: ?


I know that was tongue in cheek but usually they don’t let you transfer across continents either.