Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund


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they’ve got the BTF permit in place so that hurdle’s sorted so I guess it will now come down to their stakeholders being on board for the road and run courses and TZ use. I have a good feeling it will happen but you just never know these days and Eastbourne council can be a bit fickle

if it does go ahead, me and Mrs FB are likely to be the TOs

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Cool. Thanks. GF’s family are in Seaford, so would be easy to just cycle over in the morning with some running trainers!

would be a good warm up coming from Seaford - Exceat Hill and Beachy Head to spin the legs over - easy peasy! :face_vomiting:

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Seems a bit unfair about Weymouth, with only 3 weeks to go. As mentioned can only guess the council or someone put the stop to it.

Bit annoying if you’ve got accommodation booked and can’t easily cancel it.

Any idea what the options are, some pokey race this year or next September?

Looks like they’ve just canned it until next year.

That’s rubbish @chickenboy you’re looking on fine form atm too - come join us in the lakes. Simple swim, bike, run around a mountain!


looks like lots of locals backlash. Despite the council being satisfied with H&S safety protocols in place, i think the fear of the residents wrath was too much to bear

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where yer going? i need you to drag me around RP for a fast lap. PB is 16:30 from last year

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I think they put the kybosh on the full before?

Disappointed for you Dave, your training seemed to be going well.


See here!

Anytime! I bet we lose this easterly next week once the weather sorts itself out :pensive:

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Ah, Helvellyn. it looks incredible, would’ve loved that, but i’m crewing for Mrs M’s TP100 ultra attempt that weekend.

I looked at tmrw AM to go fast lap, but roads look like they might be wet, and we all know what happens to me on a TT bike in the wet, lol


Is that real covid-related concern, or just NIMBYism hiding behind covid?

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deffo the latter mate


Just got some refund from OSB for the full Outlaw sorry that I can’t commit to next year but eggs going in the Roth basket…feeling like it might be my last season of long distance Tri …Roth is my last bucket list event…maybe the list is not complete though!

Ah bummer!

Weathers all over the shop. Each app saying a different thing. A few of our lot in the park tomorrow am. Believe it’s just chat laps though.

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will be at TP100 as well - will keep an eye out for you

fingers crossed for weather that is neither too hot or cold

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I really cant see Fan Dance happening.

Nice one mate, yeah do shout if you see me. I’ll probably be wearing pink socks, lol

:thinking: Nice have just cancelled all public sporting events for the rest of the year. Ironman and 70.3 and the marathon in November.

Will the Tour de France actually happen…

when was it due to start, a few weeks wasn’t it?