Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

Having a conversation with my RD mate now about his event in a few weeks. Difficult decisions ahead for a lot of people.

theoretically the new Lockdown rules shouldn’t affect tri events as procedures are in place to assist in social distancing and spectators are either not allowed or minimised, but it will be a tough decision for RDs to make.

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that’s the point though isn’t it

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Fingers crossed the upcoming events take place :crossed_fingers:t2:

The 70.3 in Greece I was tempted by has been officially binned, despite cases in mainland Greece being low.

Probably didn’t want an influx of foreigners bringing it in.

I suspect their biggest challenge will be landowners getting the jitters and pulling permissions

could be right there. we have Hever event on 26/27 Sep so that one could be at risk, but the Eastbourne Aquathlons this Sunday is still a goer as it’s before Monday.



IM70.3 Holland cancelled today as well, only about 3 weeks notice and there was a lot of entries.

Think that only leaves about 4 events left this year in Europe.

Yep, local kids tri in September cancelled due to leisure centre pulling permission.

I see they’re now adding a 70.3 as well, Vichy style … 70.3 Saturday, 140.6 Sunday.

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That’s interesting, although I’m still not sure how much accommodation there’ll be and it was a bit out of Cork.

I can’t see where interest is going to come from, for ‘new’ Ironman entries for next year. I would only be down for one if I’d had to take a deferral from this year! That should fill a lot of them anyway :tipping_hand_man:

Seems risky to put in a fresh entry at this point!

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I think having a 70.3 might prop things up for this race. It was nowhere near sold out so anything to avoid it being canned very quickly.

Plus, they did drop the 70.3 that was near Dublin.

There’s not many full distance races with slots next year.

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Yeah, not a bad theory. The incremental costs for hosting a 70.3 the day before must be minimal given all the infrastructure is already in place. 70.3’s are generally more popular too, as there’s less of a commitment to finish one of them! And so every entry is at least new revenue.

However, Jorgan’s point is solid. I wouldn’t be entering anything new other than local events right now (if I actually had any spare time in 2021!)

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OMM cancelled, so that’s my last event of the year gone.

The Scottish Government, and all of us, need to cooperate to beat this terrible virus and, in Scotland, one of the measures has been to require larger sporting events to be registered with Scottish Athletics for professional risk assessment. OMM did this and was quickly recognised as an event where, due to the nature of the course and landscape, social distancing is inherently adhered to, as long as it could implement some changes to its staging areas (HQ, Start, Finish, overnight etc).

These plans were made and submitted and we received approval by Scottish Athletics and Environmental Health Argyle and Bute.

This week they have been officially revoked by the political body that Scottish Athletics report to. Mark Munro, CEO- Scottish Athletics, comments, ‘There is generally a real concern about the virus spread at Holyrood, anything that looks slightly risky in their minds is being postponed.’

mate just texted that through seconds ago as well (he was doing it, not me).

That’s a shame.

Oh well, at least the pubs are open for a commiseration pint :roll_eyes:


Seems like everyone was fine with it until it got to a level that probably has no understanding of what a mountain marathon is and probably just saw X hundred people coming to Scotland and said “nope” :frowning_face:


There’s no industry lobby behind this sort of thing, so no chance really. The Fan Dance was cancelled too, despite being inherently socially distanced. The only sports being allowed, are those with governing bodies who have the resource to put forward their respective cases.

Meanwhile, pubs & sweaty indoor gyms stay open. The Govt approach is not coherent from a scientific perspective. Follow the money.