Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

Might not be the right thread, but just had an email from 113 about next years events. Entries opening soon with slightly reduced numbers, on the basis of running the events safely this year.

Fairly sure Graeme pops up on here now and then, the event I did seemed really well ran and friendly. Just a shame it’s a long trip for me.

They might sell out quickly?


Yes, a few deferrals rolling over into next year too

I’m going to a bloody spreadsheet soon. I’ve got race ‘investments’ all over the shop now!


As posted on the “other” covid thread, ParkRun won’t be resuming in October after all :astonished:

Apparently there’s another half\full marathon being organised at Dorney Lake on 22/11 if anyone is interested, if you’ve got any form it could be a GFA opportunity.


Christ that would be a lot of laps!

They’ve opened up registration for Brighton mara. I feel this is quite optimistic.

So long as it’s not too windy…

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I can only see a HM on Nov 14th?

about 8, same as midnightman, but not after 20 on the bike :wink:

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It’s on the 22nd, haven’t got the link here, saw it on the sub 3 marathon group on FB.

They’re running one this weekend I think, or next.

£35 for the full, can’t remember how many laps though, maybe 8?

Is it F3? 'cos I can’t see anything. I’d like a late Nov benchmark TBH.

Does that work?

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ooh yes it does. Thanks mate. I’m at least 8kg overweight and haven’t run in anger since Feb at a 10km. What could go wrong? :laughing:


I’m not far off myself :roll_eyes:

Right I’m in. 8wks to go, 8kg overweight and very little speed work lately. Shall i start a new thread for tips?


Ah balls. Could have had my arm twisted for this. I’m pretty sure my wife has a kid free weekend planned for us then. Not sure 8 laps of Dorney lake will feature highly in her plans


I am tempted myself, wonder what the London GFA is :thinking:

Few weeks of speed work, might give me a kick up the arse.

Can’t see the sub 3 thread rising from the dead though.

It would need to be a sub 4 thread for me and even then, optimistic.

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Something to aim for?