Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

ITU announced it yesterday

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If you go back in the deep dark history of the COVID thread you’ll understand @Jorgan’s predicament and just respect the decision. I think they’re quite right in doing that for him!


Good point. I couldn’t think what it might have been when I posted, but now you’ve said that I think I know.

The uncertainty as to the reasoning was why I included the bracketed caveat making it clear there was no question in my mind of suggesting Jorgan had done anything wrong

Yes, to clarify. I wasn’t looking for any special treatment, I just didn’t want to be hit with an ‘automatic deferral’. I was happy to accept the standard refund offered.

Not covid related (obviously! :wink: ) and I know IM gets rightly shit canned for their refund policy but back in the day, I entered the first IMUK (2005 IIRC) from Oz, after first confirming with my work that I could get the leave.

All good, paid my entry. Then about two weeks later, my boss said he had a vital work trip and I had cover for him and cancel my leave. Luckily I’d not booked flights. As pissed as I was with work, I had trouble getting through to IMUK on the phone (back then all the admin was done at the back of TriUK place in Yeovil).

In the end my Dad drove down there, explained the issue and they gave me a 100% refund. I really couldn’t believe it but they were as good as their word.

Turns out in reality, they were a bunch of shiseters that didn’t take criticism well and threatened to take some bloke’s house from him for criticising the course.

But on the day I needed them, they were good eggs. :+1:


Somewhere in the distance a lawyer’s phone rang…


Makes one feel old, doesn’t it!

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I remember that. Downside for TriUK was the guy they took on works in corporate law so even allowing for their poor handling of criticism, they chose the wrong opponent.


I can’t do the date for Copenhagen next year, and the offers for other races in June and Aug this year are fanciful. So, I’ve very politely asked if there is any chance of alternatives (not asked for a refund, just a bit of flexibility to transfer to another Europe event in 2021 instead of Copenhagen) and after an initial acknowledgement of my request, and a canned response saying they’d allow a transfer to any other race in Europe as long as its this year (are there actually any still running???), they’ve not even had the decency to reply to my subsequent (still friendly and polite) email yet after over a fortnight. Even a reply, saying “sorry, no can do”, would have been a start. I’m done with the IM brand.

I think he’s the boss at Ostrich Marketing now @Symes?

That’s a massive ask, cancelling an organised/paid trip from Aus to the UK! What was his reason that no-one else including him could do it?!


He was the APAC Director of Networks, and I was Head of Procurement for IT, I was his direct report and I had not been there that long. I’m not sure what he thought I could effectively do but it was like most these DoA stand in assignments, you just attend meetings, warm a seat until they get back.

Had I been there longer, I might have pushed back but I’d just come out of a long tenure at Oracle and was suffering a bit from ‘cutting the apron strings’. (very common apparently at MS and CISCO also).

He ended up working at the some company I did a few years later, we had a coffee there and he told me he hated that job. grrr :-1:

My bank has accepted the dispute with Ironman, so £742 refund to me for Staffs and Bolton :man_shrugging:t4:


Really interesting. Did you say you paid via credit or debit card?

Careful with that. A load of people did that when the organisers of warrington half marathon went bust a week before the race. The bank follows it up as a creditor and if there’s some technicality then the bank debits the money from you again.

Sorry I don’t have the exact details. I’m sure there are others here that know. People affected by warrington half made a claim via their credit cards then about a month or two later it was re-debited.

Sounds like tax code changes :roll_eyes:

And @stenard - debit card.

It’s taken nearly six weeks of to-ing and fro-ing.

I’ve worked for acquiring platforms, banks, and Payment processing firms…so I’m prepared for the re-debit…but it’s about time I moved current accounts, been with this one for a year now

Worth switching accounts if it nets you £742!! Would they chase you?

Dunno :man_shrugging:t4:
I’m quite fat presently, so they’d easily catch me :rofl:

You get £100 - £150 for switching anyhow.
Unless they’ve all stopped that offer now.

Not if he changes his name too.

Henceforth, Poet shall be known as Author :rofl:


I know HSBC has. Not looked into others but wouldn’t surprise me :roll_eyes: