Momentous event cancellation and lack of refund

Apparently Dublin marathon has been canned now if anyone was doing it.

If anyone is waiting for a refund off Easyjet, it sounds like they’ve had other priorities having been hacked earlier this year.

So they became aware of the hack in January and they’re only letting their customers know now???

What could possibly go wrong when all of their customers are waiting for communication and refunds? :roll_eyes: :open_mouth:

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i would be very disappointed if we don’t get something out of the year…

UTMB finally cancelled officially.

55% refund and option for entry in 21/22/23 without the ballot, although I need to look into the smallprint as there was a suggestion you still need to have the ITRA points, which usually last 24 months, but they paused them for this year, so 22 might be an option for me.

I’ll probably pick the safer option of 22 if I can as I half have my eye on the 70.3 champs in America next year, and that’s September.

Anyway, not too disappointed as I’ve done naff all training :rofl:

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Does that mean if they’ve paused them, I could get 6pts next year and guarantee 2022 still? (please say yes :wink: )

I think the ITRA announced something like that at the weekend given there’s going to be very few qualifying races this year.

It does look like they have carried points over for another 12 months, but I’m not sure if that is restricted to people with entries. I do think you might be alright though.

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that’s assuming they don’t use Taupo again after this year’s postponement

Hmm, I think they will try and go for a double 70.3 year. They’ve probably got contractual obligations with the local government.

They’ll need to announce in a couple of months because qualifying starts in September for it.

That’s what I read. I’m sure the official announcement was that if they didn’t do something early 2021, then it would return to Taupo in late 2022 or 2023 given the normal 2021 contract has been awarded.

RideLondon off. Full refunds offered.
Wording I’ve read makes the event sound like it might not return at all.

That’s the way it read to me also hence no deferral. AS said on the other thread I’ve waited quite some time for a spot, never really worried about it but got in, had to defer last year due to a bike issue and then this. No big deal, not like I’ve lost a Kona spot but would have been nice to actually do it once.

I think RideLondon was up for review after this year and there was a strong lobby in Surrey to not renew the arrangement. Kent seems even less keen on cycling than Surrey, so unless it goes to Essex I could see it stopping :frowning_face:

Done a lot better than Velo Bham who cancelled with no refund iirc

Don’t the Velo events have a bad record for cancelling events even without a global pandemic?

There were a few comments along those lines when Brum was cancelled, possibly one around Manchester had issues previously

I think they tried to run one around Durham, but they didn’t get the entries and there was a lot of fuss from the locals so they cancelled

VLM have just released a statement. They’ll update us on 21st June.

so VLM now not looking likely, either?

I can’t say I’d be massively enthused to run with that many other people!

The more I think about it the more I wished I’d taken the opportunity to defer to next year. Just didn’t really pay attention. I hope it doesn’t happen. There’s no need for it.

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