Nutrition for Tinpot Poets

Some basic myth busting facts.

The laws of thermodynamics dictates it is always calories in V calories out for weightloss. The problem is that it is next to impossible to track exactly what goes in and what goes out.
Metabolism can slow but not much or people starving wouldn’t lose weight! Undereating does not make you fat, eating too much for your own activity levels does.
All calories are equal but the body may use more energy processing some.
Extra calories always ends up as fat. Fat is used as required then stored, protein is used as required then converted into sugar, carbs are used as required, including stored as liver glycogen, spare is turned into fat.
There has been evidence that the brain changes signals and pathways if you eat high processed food, meaning you can overeat, eat 2000kcals of good quality food, you’re full. Eat 2000kcals of shit your brain tells the body it wants more.
Most “diets” work because they get people thinking about real food and cutting snacks. Most “diets” are unsustainable in the long term. It’s all about habit changing
This is oversimplified and taking away all the mineral and vitamin requirements for a healthy body and not taking athletic lifestyles into account.


WTF is that going to sell? :laughing:


I’ve got this wrong, couldn’t create a PDF let alone an award winning book :rofl:


Pretty sure that’s an expanded version of what I said :man_shrugging:t4::nerd_face::face_with_monocle:


With some extras thrown in for free, and some science because science rulez


I think it’s what you thought you said, but @Hammerer said it better. :wink:


Yeah, probably :see_no_evil::rofl:
If I don’t have a whiteboard, I’m terrible!
Lockdown hasn’t been great.


International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: nutritional considerations
for single-stage ultra-marathon training and racing.
Fairly sure this will apply to all endurance training and racing, and not just ultra distance running.
Its a bit wordy, and its only a collation of research, but there’s some good info, and its all in one place.

Nutrition for ultra.pdf (804.1 KB)


“Single stage” = one day events?

“5–8 g·kg− 1·d− 1” = 5-8g per kilo of bodyweight per day?

Before I read the next 21 pages, is this paper confirming the current general approach of carbs and protein per day? :slight_smile: I notice it’s deprecating fasted training and keto diets which isn’t news to me.

I believe that is correct. It’s simply pulling all current research together into one place. I noticed it was advocating BCAA/protein intake for endurance which is new to me, but I’m not that well read so it’s hardly surprising.


Presumably due to sugar spikes?

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It’s to do with neuro pathways or something. there has been studies that heavily processed foods change the firing patterns of the brain, not due to sugar particularly as sugar is not the enemy, but the age old thing, anything with an ingredient list you don’t understand is the first thing to consider if changing your choices. I wont begin to pretend I understand it or the why but it was fascinating, they did scans and mri’s all sorts and actually showed electrical signals going to different parts of the brain.


There is evidence that the body could repair muscle damage on the go by eating some protein, which makes sense and when at such a low intensity the body will not require as much glycogen for fuelling the muscles and can use fat for fuel so the protein can be transported and will be used where needed.

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Slightly tangential, but yesterday I noticed that Coke Zero is now in red cans with black lettering. Interesting strategy. Is that to make kids think they are getting ‘the real thing’ or something else?

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It’s also been shown that a side effect of ultra processed foods is elevating hunger responses and suppressing satiation responses…… kind of a double shitty whammy really.

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Hence “once you pop, you can’t stop”


Yes. Subtle black label.

Same with Dr Pepper Zero.
Practically the same packaging, but with a white lettering.

Annoys the hell out of me :triumph:

… because you hate your teeth?

What these?

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