Oly / Sprint training day

Thought we could maybe do with a thread for folk to post anytime they cover the distances of all three disciplines of an olympic distance triathlon, in training, in the same day.

1500+m swim, and 40+km bike, and 10+km run.

Zwift is OK. Commutes are OK. Treadmills are OK. Tide and current assist and endless pools are OK. Bonus points if it’s a work day.

What did you do? How fast? Etc etc etc.

Edit: on second thoughts, maybe a sprint distance day is worth mentioning too


In one session or if we do a 40k TT for example?

I was thinking any old how. All at once, or spread out over the day. 1 ride, 2 rides. 1 run, 2 runs , some walking- whatever.

It probably suggests a good 3 hours of training so I guess maybe not that common? Think I may have done once or twice over the last 2 years though & kind of feels like proper triathleet thing to do occasionally perhaps ?

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Any SBR day is rare enough. I would occasionally cycle to the lake, swim and run while there and cycle home. But run usually <10km and cycle <<40km. And very occasionally I might swim before work, run at lunchtime and cycle home. But again cycle <40km.


Same, I quite often do 2 things eg swim then ride to work (like today actually). But would rarely bolt on a third thing

Ooh, if I commute to work and back, lunch 10k and do a club swim I’ll get there.

Saying that, sounds like a lot of effort…


Have been known to have a ‘triathlon’ day but not at Oly distance I think for me that would be quite rare if ever.

Will quite often do two activités on a day though

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A big session people used to try in the past was the metric Ironman?

2.4k swim
112k bike
26k run

Never tried it myself as I rarely ran more than 8k after a long bike


Never seen that before


I did it once - in 2010 :smile: - I think Fink recommended it in his training plan as your IM approached.


I could see the run doing me in

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I remember doing this and I think it went something like, club social run in the morning, then knowing I had club swim session in the evening, I thought if I whack out a 40km bike that’ll be an Oly for the day.
What I’m puzzled by is the fact it was February, and I not only rode outside but on the TT bike too; it must have been some weird mild snap.


Ahhh, this might explain it!


By the time I get home today I’ll have swum 1600m and biked 41km - partly what made me think of this thread.

It’ll be 9pm, dark & I’ll be Hank Marvin though. So very unlikely to turn around and run 10km :grinning:


Nice head of hair there, fruity :grin:


Haha, slow evening at work, figured an avatar update was due. More Meat Loaf than Chuck Norris these days :grinning:


Well I had a day off today & had in mind to maybe give an only training day a go. But in the end the weather got the better of me.

Did however pop out at least sprint distances in all 3.

20km ride this morning on the roadie, riding to 200W target, 36 mins. Followed immediately by an untimed & probably very slow 750m swim.

This evening, 10km run. Longest run since April & leg felt almost perfect. Fitness… not so perfect. 63 minutes.

The weather is definitely making me go slower and shorter than I would otherwise, but figure this probably isn’t a bad thing while coming back from injury.


Sometimes I manage to do swim bike and run in the same year….


Saw your 10 km run on Strava and thought you may have been giving it a go!


Well a triathlon of sorts and not in the correct order @fruit_thief