Olympic distance sub 2:30?

Here you go GB. I went 2:14:46 on a long bike course Oly at Dorney with splits of:

27 min swim
1:06:37 bike (course was 42.9km) av 38.6 Km/h
37:07 run (was 9.96 on the GPS)

I think I’d done a long 58 25mile TT that year so was aiming to average 40km/h on the bike and smashed myself to bits trying, then couldn’t believe I ran that 10K given how much effort I’d put in on the bike. 10K PB at the time was just over 35 min. Flat run but it had 7 dead 180 turns.

No help to the thread, and shameless willy waving really but helps to reminisce what I used to be able to do before life started getting in the way!!

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Became past a fast duathlon only friend of mine on a bike …

He said you could actually feel a draft …!?!

He ran past him on the second run but he did comment how fast he could run for such a unit!

Yep, but don’t leave it too many years! Late 30s and downhill from there if you’re not a late adopter :wink:

What user experience are you referring to? DB Max results website? There appears to be more than one Homepage. If you search using Google & year, it gives you the better original homepage.

I wasn’t even good enough to make the senior team the year I PB’d so had to race as a Guest.

He racked up to me at Clumber Duathlon one year…he is a BIG unit, he shifted the first 10km in an absolutely rapid time for his frame

Athlinks - the Endurance Athletes social network.

Does anyone still use Athlinks? It’s so 2012.

Hes the reason I got into endurance events. He did a few mad things before his accident, and one after, and. I watchee all those programmes about it and it followed from there.

On the MdS one they talk a lot about his physiology. He is 6’4" and weighs around 94kg, but low body fat and a lot of upper body muscle as youd expect. Everyone wrote him off, the Africans said he was too big and would overheat, they said his running style was bollocks and not efficient. He weighed too much.

Even going into injured he wiped the floor with almost everyone. 12 place highest Brit at the time. He admits himself he doesnt have a good running style nor the physique, but he clearly has an aerobic engine bigger than most.

There was another Brit, a multi Ironman finisher obviously who was confident he was going to beat him and fell apart when James turndled it up another notch.

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I only came across it fairly recently, I think because of someone mentioning it on here. I actually quite like it. Is there anywhere else you can get a list of all of your race results? Powerof10 is great for running, and there are some Ironman specific triathlon sites I’ve linked to, but it’s nice to have an easy reference for random little races you’ve done, run by different race organisers, and over a variety of distances.

Correct me if i’m wrong, but i’m sure he’s gone sub 2.45 at a (London) marathon as well. I’ve seen him running, and it truly is awful - but clearly he’s an absolute machine still!

Fairly sure he had, wasn’t he racing Chrissie W?

Was that the year you were there?

He came past me about 3km into that duathlon run and I felt the ground shake as he tumbled past.
It’s a unique running style

2:43 aged 45 at the time


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I think so, yeah.

Okay, cool. Not focused on it yet, but just checking this is still achievable.

Good numbers, but I won’t be near 290 anything!


Yeah, he did that in 2017. Same year Spraggz from TT1.0 set the WR for fastest dressed as a swimmer. A lot of his photos have Cracknell in them.

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Yeah, but that was a road bike; TT bike/helmet with good position will need way less watts.

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Yes that was my point!

I’ve got four weeks until Eastbourne Olympic was meant to happen, as a yard marker what’s a fair simulation going to look like?

Bike course was 36.6km +600m, so a similar route and elevation on Zwift using the Zwift TT bike and staying in aero on mine…1h05?

Then straight into the run - a harder run route outdoors, 10km +80m…0h50? (a significant bike/run PB for me)

I could add a lake swim but that would make the logistics harder and the whole thing would add an hour to and from the lake, plus Im unlikely to put in a good swim.

What it’s really difficult to recreate is how much you’d be redlining the early part of the bike HR wise, after the swim.