Open water swim season starting

so will account for 10 - 15 seconds as they exit and get to mat over their pool times. Sometimes you need a positive spin on things.

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i understand there was a false start in one wave with some delay in turning some swimmers back

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yep. Tier 1 Male superseries event. Starter horn gave a feeble barp which wasnā€™t heard by loads so some went and others didnā€™t so a false start was called. Water crew took far too long to react and some athletes took some time to turn around. One even swam over a SUP who was trying to stop him not realising what the marshall was trying to do!

Restart was done on a whistle rather than risk another air horn problem.


thanks mate

Had an evening dip here after work last night. Someone has turned the hot tap on since I last swam in the sea a few weeks ago


Yes, well, itā€™s alright for someā€¦ :slight_smile:

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The sea is 31Ā°C now, @funkster probably wouldnā€™t like it. Almost a bit too warm for proper swimming but pleasant for bobbing around after work.


works for meā€¦

my swimming has often been described as just bobbing aroundā€¦


interestingly, above 32C swims are cancelled in World Triathlon events (bar supersprint which gets swim banned above 33C) due to the danger of hyperthermia


Not sure about world Tri, slightly different as shorter swims, but FINA were heavily criticised for lack of safety procedures before and after Fran Crippens death ~10 years ago.
Slow to respond after too, continuing to put 10k races on in very hot (wealthy) countries.


Wasnā€™t aware of that - just googled - looks like the water temp that day was 30.5


The longest swim distance in WT events is 4k and if water temp is between 31-31.9C then all swim distances from sprint to LD are shortened to 750m, and above 32C cancelled.


Big stink about Tokyo wasnt there, went over 30c but conveniently just below the threshold

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Sea on coast by Girona was 19c according to my Garmin. Was a bit of a bite getting in, but good to swim once youd got over initial Brrrrrrr.
No wonder some elite triathletes struggle when its just 20c. Less meat than a butchers pencil.


Same as usual. Took three years to even make a rule after the death, and then it conveniently is frequently 0.1C under when they measure at race start.
The initial ā€œruleā€ was that it was on athletes to decide if they were at risk and withdraw to maintain their own safety


I braved the lake this afternoon, 16c is too cold for me, my feet are still feeling it but my hands were worse and a bit blue when I got out :cold_face: it wasnā€™t unbearable but as usual my stroke seems to get worse as I get colder.

At least I can do the swim next week, forecast is for a few nice days so hopefully itā€™ll be up a degree or two.


Colder than my DL poolā€¦


Iā€™ll call your DL pool and raise you Katara beach in August :hot_face: :smiley:


Second swim in 6 months. The first was the Carribbean, this was in the equally delightful paradise of Norfolk.

12C, ā€˜justā€™ warm enough to have a 15 minute splash around in the waves with a friend keeping an eye out for the surfers.


Going to brave Pickmere tonight ( @awildt ):rofl::rofl::rofl:

Deffo not gonna be busy :roll_eyes: