Open water swim season starting

@explorerJC it’s not really 23c down there, is it?


on the edges…not far off elsewhere…probably nudging 19/20

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I forgot about pickmere. Might change my mind as I was planning on going to Sale. Got my stuff in the car but not booked anywhere.

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Skins (trisuit) at our lake on Monday as it’s finally >20C. Foggy though, so not allowed more than 100m from the shore.


Just parking and how busy it might be.
Sale is £7.
Pickmere is free :woman_shrugging:t4:

Hatchmere is now banned. Something about “wildlife” and “habitats” :roll_eyes:
Fine for the pub customers and walkers etc to litter all over it though :triumph:

There’s Combs and Fernilee as well, but I’m wary of reservoirs.

I do actually pay to go because I quite like the controlled space. I have changed plans to pickmere now. Sale gets a bit silly on sunny days.

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If you are out on the lake JC - I’ll pretend not to know you. You don’t want to be associated with my level of “swimming” today :joy:


sadly i am not there today…but do call in whenever you are swimming…coffee always available…

Is yours the little physio hut on the end?

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It was not too bad last night.
Lake was warm, clear and a nice cool breeze.
Swam in buoyancy shorts, orange tow float and yellow cap - nice and visible, not gonna drown.
Just a little 1600m 30min paddle.

That’s the quietest I’ve seen it since Lockdown.

Went to Booths afterwards and saw the front page of the papers and was like “Ah, that’s why” :soccer::slovenia::beers:


I ended up at Sale. Less complicated than pickmere. Quieter than expected too. Like you, football doesn’t quite register. It’s not the cleanest spot so I never like it that much but it’s outside on a sunny evening so it’s ok.

Think I might go to pickmere on Saturday morning. Water will still be warm even if weather turns back to rubbish tomorrow.


Nice :sunrise::white_check_mark:

Boundary is the cleanest I’ve swam in, I think ever!
But now they’ve built that house, the parking is a nightmare.

And it’s £7 (£12.50 membership) or £10.
And there’s so many rules.
And more dry robes than rules.
And more cake than dry robes.

So I’m out :x:

(I got shouted at for daring to swim around a buoy last time I went, instead of stopping for a chat at it)


That infiltration to OWS is driving me mad too. But half my running friends have joined them so I can’t vent frustration.

To highlight just how ridiculous it is. Great North Swim do release results. I had a top 100 swim time for the mile in 1000+ swimmers for that distance. I’m not a top 100 swimmer ever. I’ve never managed a sub 30mins mile. I’m not bad but I’m not “top”. The navigating of personal swim buoys is quite tiring.


:face_with_peeking_eye: not too sure that water was in top notch condition last night. Thankfully working from home today.


oooh dear…i hope all ok…

My gut is pretty strong thankfully. But notably a little unsteady this morning.

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Pickmere was sublime this morning. A little chilly to start but calm and clear and not too busy. Great start to my Saturday!


Maybe the drizzle helped?
Nice going :white_check_mark:

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21-22° in my local this morning, lovely temp, left the wetsuit at home and went for the swim skin, had to wear a bloody tow float though