Outlaw Full 2024

Anyone else down for the Full in July
New bike course released yesterday…a 3 lapper which I fear may get a bit busy
Run course 3 laps & an extra round the river/white water area/lake then an extra lake lap


Yeah, I am. What does the full course look like compared to the half? Is it similar? I think you said the new half course was quick. OSB have said it’s a quick course but I doubt I’ll get there for a recce


Interesting they take you clockwise around the loop. I’m sure they’ve done the risk assessment, but that is a lot of right turns.

All relative. Doesn’t have to be quick to be “fastest UK iron distance”, even before Bolton got the chop.

I got an email yesterday, seems there are still places available. Doesn’t it normally sell out?


Yup. By December usually.

@SidSnot - That course looks fast, but it’s a bit “meh” :woman_shrugging:t4: No Southwell or the little hill (Oxton Bank) now. Although not doing that main road (A6097) is good :white_check_mark::+1:t3:

Also … is it now 4 lake laps :exploding_head::sob:

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Very similar, just missing the circled section for the full. I liked the new course, yes it misses oxton but it seemed like much fewer cars on the course
Right turns were well traffic managed with plenty of warning


Yes 4 laps of the lake as it doesn’t go over the other side of the river. I dont mind the lake laps just switch brain off(doesn’t take much) and run


I was really considering doing it despite being in woeful shape. But then Mrs A wanted to be away on holiday that weekend. Probably a good thing, would have been a lot of walking.


@SidSnot / I’m sure you’ve seen this…

The swim was the only bit I’ve trained for :roll_eyes:


Shit man :sob::sob::sob:
Absolutely gutted for you both.

Still, time for a sub9 now :joy::ok_hand:t5:

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That’s bad news, hope you can still have a good day.

Who did the original Outlaw in 2010? Was it you Poet? When I read 3 laps I kept thinking that we did 3 laps but I simply can’t remember. Maybe it was 3 counties we went through? It was 3 ‘something’ :smile:

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Yeah, I did it.
First of a trio of 10:20s :see_no_evil:

It was 3.75 laps, too :broken_heart:
Did it again in 2019 with no bike and a deluge of rain (1:10, 3:22)
Then again in 2021 (1:04, 5:14, 4:18 :sob::sob::sob:)

I’ll be back. Still reckon I can go sub10 :see_no_evil::thinking::woman_shrugging:t2:


This race is unfortunate for changes like this?

Good luck for what’s left, Adam & Sid :+1:


So a long distance duathlon.

To run the first 5km hard or not?

A steady run obviously saves your legs for the 180km ride and 42km run.

But, maybe add some beans to get yourself a bit of space on the opening of the bike?

Has anyone ever done a duathlon of this length before?


Planning on Oulton long one in oct
10/60/10 kms but the only RBR events of this length are cancelled Ironman swims I’m guessing.

Personally I’d “ jog “ an opening 5 k but I’m a slow swimmer anyways !

Good luck all racing this weekend.

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Saw it just now. A bit disappointed if im honest


Sorry to see disruption to this event. Sure you will all make the best of it :muscle:. At least you weren’t doing the aquabike!

Was there any indication earlier in the week?

Think I would run the first part a little harder to get a bit of space in transition/start of bike.


Well that sucks

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