Outlaw Full 2024

Just run out of juice


A tale of two triathletes @Adam


I was wondering if I’d photobomb any of your finish photos - that was a lovely moment when your kids joined you, put a massive smile on my face!


Is that what that is? :joy:


Looks like a grimace :rofl:


Email to everyone:

"Outlaw Nottingham - Statement:

Hi Anthony sw1mg0d :roll_eyes: TC,

Thank you for your understanding and patience in light of this weekend’s challenging situation. We appreciate your support & flexibility during these challenging times.

We are pleased that, despite the many obstacles, last weekend’s Outlaw was a successful event. Your enthusiasm and resilience made it an unforgettable day.

Over the weekend, our focus was on re-organising the event and communicating with our athletes, volunteers and suppliers. However we feel it is important to share the details that led up to the decision to cancel the swim. We’ve seen allegations that we knew about the poor water quality before the timeline below: this simply is not true (we appreciate that some people may have been just venting frustration at the time).


All weekly water testing results from the venue for EU Bathing regulations were either excellent or good, including the tests we received on the event week.

Wednesday Afternoon:

The venue made us aware that a dog had become ill and suspected blue-green algae. The Environment Agency was informed. No visible signs of blue-green algae were observed, however, we communicated to all the athletes involved in the weekend so you were aware of our plans at the time.


The Environment Agency took water samples from one location to test.

Friday 1400:

The Environment Agency contacted the venue to confirm test results showing that the blue-green algae was at levels considered to be potentially harmful.

Friday 1600:

After taking advice, we obtained two further independent water tests to compare against World Triathlon & World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. (Not an easy thing to do on a Friday afternoon, trust me.) BTF were also informed of the issues at this point.

Friday 1700:

Water samples were sent to a laboratory in Leicester (the laboratory stayed open especially for us). Another laboratory team set off from Cheshire to the venue to conduct on-site testing.

Friday 2000:

The first test results came back confirming the strain of blue-green algae was toxic and that levels were higher than the allowed limits for World Triathlon & WHO.

With the clock ticking, contingency planning continued. We explored all other options, including moving the swim to another lake or delaying the event to another weekend. Unfortunately, these alternatives were not feasible given the time constraints and logistical challenges.

Friday 2200:

Communications were sent out to athletes and volunteers with the bad news.

Friday 2300:

The second set of independent test results confirmed the same blue-green levels.

Saturday 1000:

With the plans for adapted events in place, we informed everyone about the new formats and timelines.

In the face of these challenges, we re-planned to the best of our ability to ensure a safe and enjoyable event for all competitors. The dedication, flexibility, and positivity of not only our athletes, but also our crew, volunteers & suppliers, transformed a potentially difficult weekend into a triumph. It truly felt like the entire Outlaw community came together.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all those involved.

We hope this helps you to fully understand what happened & thank you once again for your continued support.

We hope to see you in 2025.

Iain Hamilton - Race Director"

fair play. but such a shame, as it was 100% perfect weather that morning for the sw1m (if you had dark smoked goggles on!). super sunny, warm, and little wind.
and especially as I did not get chance to Show off my sw1mg0dly prowess :roll_eyes:


Nother email to Everyone:

"Hi sw1mg0d :roll_eyes: TC,

We sincerely appreciate your support and flexibility over the past few weeks, it means a lot to us here at Outlaw.

We are pleased to report that, despite numerous obstacles, The Outlaw Nottingham event was a success. Your enthusiasm and resilience contributed to making it an unforgettable day.

We apologise for the delay as we realigned our plans for opening our 2025 event. We are now organised and ready to move forward. We understand that many of you feel you have unfinished business, and we want to support you.

We will be sending you an email next Friday 16 August with your unique entry link. We are offering a 30% discount on the 2025 Outlaw Nottingham event. This is the largest discount we’ve ever offered, and it will be the best price available. However, it comes with a limitation: you’ll need to commit before Friday 30 August. Additionally, you will have the option to spread your payments over 8 months after paying your deposit – meaning your monthly payment could be less than £40.

Please note that this offer is exclusive to those on the start list for our Outlaw Nottingham 2024 event and is non-transferable.

We hope to see you in 2025.

All the best

Iain Hamilton - Race Director"

fair play I’m IN!


now that is customer service…take note Ironing Man… would be worth a public backing of TriTalk for that (if we still had 1000’s of posters a day)



That’s incredible :exploding_head::white_check_mark:

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Not a bad price at all


Just got mine through. I did say after I’m done with Long Distance for a while and I’ll stick by that


Yep. Despite the price I’m staying away, that boating lake yet again leaving its mark on the memory.

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6am tho :sleeping::joy:

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