Outlaw half - Nottingham

I know it’s a long way for you, but you’ve not entered Wilmslow Half Marathon, too, have you?

@TROSaracen - 26th March :joy: course is lovely country roads, undulating, not flat, but somehow very fast indeed :ok_hand:t4::partying_face:


:rofl:, let me know the date and I’ll see if I can squeeze it in…… :wink:


This one looks nice. I’d like to go back to Notts for a weekend anyway so maybe a goer


Not like you can go to Rock City, then hot foot it across to Pit & Pendulum before a race :joy::see_no_evil:

It was more Isis (Senioritas) when I was there. The club out by the cinema. Not sure you’d call anything Isis anymore…


Just went to enter and saw the price :nauseated_face::face_vomiting::nauseated_face:
I paid less than that did my first Outlaw full back in 2010 :melting_face:

I used to go there when it was called the Black Orchid. (ETA: no, they weren’t tea dances)

How much is the half next year?

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The irony that I’ve probably been in more night clubs with you lot than I have races.
Loved Black orchid… Monday night, completely wrecked sleep for rest of the working week :see_no_evil:


£225 plus fee I think



That is a lot, still might be tempted though.


I suspect the incredible price rise of branded races has allowed them plenty of scope to increase their prices and still have the ‘much cheaper’ line……


With the Outlaw half I can stay at my mum’s and drive over in the morning as it’s less than an hour. Although Cotswold races are cheaper I then have to pay for acccomodation and it is a much longer drive. I want to them all, really.

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Yeah, I considered this but that’s pretty steep for a half.
Looking at Epicman Windermere. Date not set yet but usually late May and about £90.
There’s also the Steelman in Richmond on 31/723 entry’s not open yet but that’s a great event and normally about £60 to enter.
Tri hard are changing their website so not sure if their dates for next yr yet