P3 pricing help

100% honesty?

Yes, we spent nearly £2k on a wall so people cannot walk through our front garden.
This is mainly children on scooters.

Last people used it as a parking space, but there’s on street parking five doors down (double yellows directly outside ours and opposite, too)

I don’t want to sit in my living room looking at my car parked RIGHT outside

If you want I can make you a motion activated automatic water pistol to attach to it


I have 50? Items I need to put on, I’ve not had the £1 sell all weekend add for some time now .?!

Do they still do that ?

I see…!

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The 80% off is actually a better deal than the old £1 deal because previously you had to pay the PayPal fee separately


I threw it up on CTT for £1550. If it doesn’t sell in 2 weeks, I might take it as a sign. :joy:


No bites yet. Time for GB to look down the back of the sofa. :wink:

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How about a 2 year try before you buy, no questions asked no deposit required.


No problem. May I draw your attention to my compound interest chart? :wink: