I think I’ll be about 10 seconds or so over 20 minutes today. First time I’ve finished in quite a while where I felt like maybe I had a bit more to give. Quite the contrast to around six weeks ago where I was battered just finishing 5km.
Bringing balance to the force with the people starting at the front with push chairs or dogs
Ps. I wouldn’t bother trying that at Worcester, I reckon he’d do well to get halfway as the course is so narrow and first lap a non-starter
I mean I don’t intentionally mean to do it but lol yeah I think it’s ok with a big crowd. I’m always pretty respectful of others when I’m overtaking and will slow down if it’s too congested.
Did my home parkrun today with the plan of pushing a bit harder and seeing how it went. There was a 20 minute pacer but he went off at something like 18:50 pace so I held back a bit. He settled down after that and I could see him about 100m in front.
Was actually feeling pretty decent and picking off a few enthusiastic starters although it was getting a bit harder on the second lap.
Watch buzzed on 19:58 for 5K but I always get it a bit longer so finished about 20:22. I’ll take that as I wasn’t crippled afterwards! And there was a bit of a headwind in places.
Similar for me, except I adopted your pacers approach… went out too fast and then slowed. 20:07 for me officially. I’ll take that for 6th run of the entire year!