
The first and second finishers. If only there was a podium at parkrun.


Is one much closer to the camera than the other?

That makes it look like 10 strides and distance done from the one on the right.


there’s a small and far away sketch somewhere…


Finally completed the alphabet today after 14 years :joy: U was the last letter and wasn’t sure if it would survive the weather. But about 3K is on grass which had frozen and was no problem. The paths were fine as well with just one frozen puddle that was easily bypassed on the grass.

Very cold crisp winter morning though and the run there on the trail part was nice with the frost.

Went round in a tempo kind of pace and finished in 21:13 which wasn’t bad considering the conditions and frozen grass.


Weekend break in Slough?


Haha, commuter life :joy:


Bit of a disaster for me today. Ran with LO, felt ok at 24.30 pace but after 2kms my thigh was problematic. LO shot off (you really don’t want to be in a foxhole with her :joy: ).

I waited about 2 mins for Mrs FP and jogged with her but even that was not great. I walked the last 1.5kms for a blistering 34.04 :man_facepalming:t2: LO turned in a 24.14

Oh well. it’s 5km more in the legs than I had yesterday!


R&R FP, live to run another day!


Cheers mate, I actually took my own advice today and backed right off. :+1:t2:


Quite a lot of events round here cancelling already for the weekend, I had offered to help at my local one but someone has checked the course tonight and the snow from Sunday is frozen hard in places. The local park in Middlesbrough is covered in black ice as well so is off.

Might even require some travelling or giving it a miss this weekend.


Mine has been cancelled for the third week in a row - floods, floods, snow.

-5° here and about 2-3cm of snow and ice.
I’ll be going out for a very slow jog soon.


We’re ready, kind of!


Mines cancelled due to ice on the course.

It’s all tarmac, so too slippy.


Ours went ahead, but other 2 close(ish) ones were cancelled.

Was icy pretty much the whole way round and I spent most of it using the grass next to the path.

Went out a bit quick and faded. Probably over heated too with my 3 layers, hat and snood.

Ended up taking a tumble on the final corner as the grass was on the inside so technically you’d be cutting the course and I have my principals.

Got token #17, hoping to get upgraded to a podium after the stewards inquiry :joy:


Apart from two short sections of path where you run one x2 and the other x3, ours is all grass but there are lots of 90 deg bends and tree roots. Dead flat though.

Quite a few hardy souls turned up today. Very rare that I run with gloves but I did today and was glad of them!


Just had the results, I jogged around with Mrs FP in 28.09.

LO ran a fairly pedestrian (for her) 24.52 and came 2nd in her AG because she’s aged up to 11-14 now.

First girl was 21.30 though and LO has asked how long until she gets that time. I told her to just be patient, it will come. We’ve set a tentative target of 22.45 before Easter but we’ll see.
I just want her to run with a smile on her face but for such a quiet/placid kid, that red mist properly comes down in a race. :grin:


I had more than 3 layers on my head, let alone on my body…


Paging Bongo, a new one very close to your current gaff started today, you might be a bit busy next weekend, but that course record is just waiting to be taken by you :grin:

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I think there were 3 that went ahead in the NE region, one is around a field and coastal path so I expected it to be on, normally get 25-40 people, 320 today! Part of the reason I didn’t bother as I expected that and it isn’t really a course for a big field and parking on the local estates.

I went for a run at my local one, shame really as the majority of it was no worse than when it’s bone hard in summer, but two short stretches were icy and one is where a lot of runners meet each other in opposite directions. No problem for someone with lots of running experience in trail shoes taking it easy but probably the safest decision given it would have got 3-400 as well.


Early January must be the busiest time of year for ParkRun, right?

Lots of people starting the year with good intentions to get fit


Without looking at the stats I wouldn’t be so sure. Xmas day / NYD get big numbers but surely the spring and slightly warmer temps brings out the fair weather runners?