
Nor me…. but my area is so Tory that a convicted child molester would even get elected if they wore a blue rosette.

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always remember being doorstepped by a Tory candidate for Parliament - he was the new boy in a strong Tory area taking over from the previous MP who’d been in place for about 20 years.

“Can I count on your vote?” he brayed

I said “You could stick a blue rosette on a donkey around here and it would get elected. And NO.” and closed the door on him.

He duly got elected sadly


Labour are out in force leafleting our neighbourhood. The Lib Dems are usually pretty active around here too and they’re the only party likely to get close to Labour. The closest I’ve seen to the area being anything other than Labour was after the brexit referendum when our MP at the time, Kate Hoey was very active on the pro-Brexit campaign trail with Nigel Farage, when the ward voted 90% remain. Even then the Lib Dems finished a distant second.

I think any Tory candidates standing around here are doing so to serve their time before getting a shot at a safe seat elsewhere :roll_eyes:

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Door-stepping sounds like a real winner for political types at the moment - why let the psychos have to bring a knife to you when you could go visit them on their doorsteps where they have a load of knives close by in the kitchen?

I noticed an advert that popped up on my Facebook earlier today, sponsored by the Tories with some propaganda about my local MP voting against the immigration bill that they’d proposed.

I’ve no idea why it was targeted at me TBH, obviously I know it was localised with my MP but I don’t follow or look at any political stuff on FB or other social media site, I hate them all.

So, I’m bemused as to why it thought that would encourage me to vote for this odious Tory party, and just to clarify I like labour just as much!

Facebook probably knows where you live :roll_eyes:

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The sad thing was that wasn’t true. Her majority actually went up massively in the election shortly after the Brexit vote! I remember being pretty dumb struck myself. Any vote I made in that constituency were a waste of time.

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But if you are a remain voter in that constituency what are you supposed to do? Ignoring the fact it’s safe labour anyway, your best option for the 2017 election result was a labour win. The biggest swings are away from tory to LD, which would suggest there was a small remain reaction, but overall at that time the momentum was to go against Theresa May, which those results seem to reflect.

Vote for someone who was running on a remain platform. Regardless of whether you believe it would have been correct to overturn the outcome of the referendum, if that’s what remainers wanted then they needed to get a majority of people in Parliament to achieve that aim. A vote for Hoey at that time was as good as a vote for Farage

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Thank gosh Le Pen didn’t get any further. Sigh of relief from me.

BBC News - Macron defeats Le Pen and vows to unite divided France


I saw something similar but for a constituency nowhere near where I live.

I was surprised nobody else had mentioned this, I’m with you but clearly there’s a bit of an issue given the size of the vote she actually got.

Although after 3 defeats will she fancy another go?

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She represents the insideous far right. Stands on a platform of populist views and anti-establishment sentiment but you just know that given power there would be huge scope creep.

Starts with banning headscarfs but it’s not a huge step to imagine restricting religious freedom for other minorities like mine.


Her dad pretty much kept on going until he died :roll_eyes:

Lots of voters turned up at the polls to abstain. There must be room for an alternative party with such dissatisfaction.

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I don’t think the French voting system helped though, didn’t she only just beat the third place guy in the previous round that represents the left?

Yes, jgav I got the impression a lot of her policies and funding where just populism and probably not affordable.

That said, Macron is a bit marmite but he is dealing with quite a militant population! Raising the pension age won’t be popular and they don’t mind voicing their concerns :joy:

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I see JRM has been stirring things up again too! He needs a jar of “Nanny’s homemade marmalade” shoved somewhere.


Boris bought a house near me just before he became PM, so he’s never lived in it and it’s stood empty for the whole time. I noticed this morning that it’s got scaffolding around it now. I wonder if he’s having some work done to it for when he moves in after being kicked out of No10? :rofl:

I can’t see him and Carrie being very popular with the regular dog walking crowd in the park opposite the house :roll_eyes:


Maybe they are going to house some refugees in it?


Will give them somewhere to throw their poo bags!


probably just needed to justify it as “derelict” to avoid council tax.