
The mysterious case of the disappearing story. Johnson trying to use his public position to help his mistress out. Not Acuri this time but Symonds when he was foreign secretary. Story was in the early editions of the Times and then disappeared. That man is a moral vacuum.


I saw something this morning slagging him off but no coverage, probably explains it and the lawyers stepped in :roll_eyes:

No, he’s a c***

He and his hard Brexit cronies are fcuking this country over. That’s before we even start on his complete lack of courage or integrity. When was the last time that POS did an interview? Always letting his lackeys take the heat since he became PM. I cannot remember another PM so lacking in moral fibre.

Ukraine is the only thing he’s getting right, and that’s as an escape from his domestic shitfest.


Probably one of my very few posts on this thread. Ordinarily, politics and everything that surrounds it washes over me. But this current Government gets me f*cking raging. If the Tories don’t remove him soon I’ll be voting with St Nicola next year :frowning:


As with everything, this behaviour repeats itself throughout many government organisations.


That DM article is quite unforgiving :sweat_smile:

So at least 10 of you here also think BJ is a c*? :sweat_smile:

Are we actually all just champagne socialists/liberals here? Although I’ve never actually voted Labour in any GE or Council election.


It would be nice to hear from the more centrist elements of the Tory party; but BJ and his cronies (and puppet-masters) seem to have a grip on the party. You’d think the time was right for a strong centrist party to rise; but the LDs just seem all adrift and in need of a strong charismatic leader. Paddy & Nick were the last of those.

I don’t think our system is ever going to allow a “new” party to break the Con/Lab stranglehold on power. It’s too difficult for another party to win enough seats across the board to get a majority, even if they had enough support in total across the country.


True. Although places like Germany have had coalitions for as long as I can remember. We did dabble with it here.

most of you…yep…

i think that the time is ready for a new moderate left party…

edit: a social democrat type party…


sorry, just read this…

see above…a new moderate left party could take up much of the centre ground, and yes, they would need a charismatic leader…


They’d also need media and press support?

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Sounds like anything not Tory or Far right is ‘Left’ these days :sweat_smile:

Many hard line Tories I know claim Boris is too left wing, I kid you not. They think he’s further left than Blair ever was and that its a New Conservative version of Blairs gov. , without the illegal wars.

I gave him a lot of leeway, he’s been handed a shitty stick with Covid, and there is not a leader on this earth would have faired any better due to our high density centralised populations in this country. I have grown tired of the BS now though, and clearly its a divided party, much like Labour has been since Blair left and it enabled the left to get back in. Neither are fit for purpose anymore and neither will get my vote. I usually vote Green anyway and am in such a safe seat we’d need a nuke to go off for any chance of change. Its so ingrained in this part of London, I’m sure kids grow up and vote what their parents tell them to.


Yes, it’s really the fact that BoJo has been exposed as an entitled coward, who’s on the take, and at the behest of his rich cronies and (now) wife. The man is badly compromised. Plus of course he was the high-profile face behind Brexit, and is clearly under pressure from hard brexiteers who must have something on him.


I’m in a uber strong Tory seat…. too many here that think the answer is to hang immigrants and the way to teach people to become self sufficient is to leave them to starve, so that they learn to fend for themselves.

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Are these mainly retired people with paid-off mortgages and decent pensions; or is it across the board?

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