I’ll start:
Running, B+
This year Nick managed 289 runs, covering 2342km in 205 hours. That’s just shy of 6 runs per week. Average run length was 8.1 km and average pace was 5m15s per km.
Nick failed to meet either of his run targets this year, namely 5km and half marathon PBs. In his defence, most of the races were cancelled. And he’s no spring chicken any more.
Stupidest run: “Beat the mercury challenge” on 12th August. It was 33C so the challenge was to run a hilly XC loop in less than 33minutes. Nearly stroked out.
The “+” is for not getting injured despite being an old crock (touches wood as there are 11 days left in the year).
Cycling, B-
184 rides, 136 hours. 3.7 rides per week & average ride length was 44 minutes.
Most rides this year were on Zwift. This instrument of torture did see a steady rise in alleged FTP from 230W in March to 285W in November. However this hasn’t translated to more power on the road, where best average power is still around 230W.
Most stupid ride: Home from Southampton with no map and got lost, 116km.
The “-” is for being utterly toast after any ride lasting more than 1 hour. This is somewhat worrying as an Ironman looms in about 20 weeks time.
Swimming, D-
Nick has not been seen in class all year. Report to the headmaster’s office for detention at Friday 4pm
Actually that’s not quite true. Strava says 16 swims, 8 hours. Average swim 30 mins, approximately one every 22 days. Some were in the sea, including this one: https://youtu.be/ubIX1eKAVPk
Diving, U
See video evidence above.
Triathlon, C+
Only one race this year. Thanks to a last minute suggestion by gingerbongo , did the Dawlish Tri in September https://youtu.be/i-usIigzuTQ
“+” as was actually 1st M45-49. Although beaten by a few of the stallions in M50-54
Woodwork/ DIY / Other, A-
Repointed a wall, built a deck, painted the house and fixed up the kitchen.
The “-” is for a misguided attempt to “improve” the wifi by resiting BT master socket, which resulted in random internet outages for the next 3 weeks.
Tritalk, B-
3 days read time, 375 posts created.
Must try harder in 2021