Rant rant rant

We got married in a Greek Orthodox church, so I usually wear my wedding ring on my right hand because that’s what the Orthodox crowd do.

When I smashed my right hand in my bike crash last month broke 3 fingers and had to take the ring off pretty sharpish before the fingers swelled too much and I’ve been wearing it on my left hand ever since. My hand is out of plaster now, but there’s still a groove on my finger where the ring usually sits and I keep having panicky moments when I rub the finger with my thumb and the ring isn’t there :open_mouth:


My wedding ring wouldn’t go back on my finger after I broke it, the knuckle ended up being bigger than pre-break. Getting it enlarged is on my to-do list.


So remember my ring that I was 95% sure was in the house…yeah it wasn’t. I took it off in the car! :joy: It was in the little hidden storage bit! :man_facepalming:t3:


@gingerbongo, I thought I found it, but it turned out to be a regular gold wrist braclet.

Anyway, at a wedding this weekend, the groom lost his ring at his own reception.



Oohh that’s good going!

Here’s a first world rant but…

I go through quite a lot of plasters in any given week. Most for nip protection on long runs, especially when wearing the vest but I also have something wrong with my thumb nails which means they very often have plasters on them (been like that for 35yrs)

So, I end up using two sizes of plasters but always have to buy those big multi packs. We end up with 100’s of the bigger sizes we never use.

Why can’t I buy a whole box of the little round ones and the longer, narrower ones? grrr


have you tried zinc oxide tape for the nips?? that’s what I always used rather than plasters as I found it was more sweat resistant so didn’t come off so easily.


I used Zinc Oxide tape for XC on the feet to stop the spikes giving blisters early in the season and also tried it on nips. Just make sure you don’t catch any chest hair with it :wink:

that’s part of the fun - taking it off after! :face_with_head_bandage:

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I got a couple of hairs from the crab ladder caught in the knot of my shorts the other day. Didn’t realise for a while until I ran my hand round the waistband to adjust them :grimacing:


:joy: :joy:

Not heard that before!


A full crab ladder is when there’s a continual connection all the way up to your chest.


I haven’t but will look into it thanks. I haven’t had any issues with plasters coming off. I usually use BandAid Waterproof and carry some spares in my trail vest anyway.

Is zinc oxide what people use to tape their feet? I’m looking at this to help with the tenderness I’m getting.

yeh - ZnO2 tape is used for all sorts of taping including feet. Make sure you get the non-elastic version - you can rip off a roll as much as you need.

Here’s an example

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WTAF is the radio edit of Wet Leg’s Wet Dream about?!?!?

So, you can say Wet Leg and Wet Dream on the radio, but have to substitute most of the lyrics? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


And to apologise for nearly sliding to death

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Oh terribly sorry, do you mind, could I possibly - yes just dislodge that rock for me… thanks very much, very good of you…

AAAAAAA aaaaghhhhhh






:evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:____________ :evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree::evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree:

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Ranting on behalf of a twitterer I follow. A Doctor had his second bike in a month stolen from his hospital parking lot by cutting through the fixed “U” locking point … or is that actually an “n” . No CCTV covering the area. The police have responded by saying “he shouldn’t have an expensive bike if he doesn’t want it stolen” this wasn’t a BSO, it was a reasonable commuter bike, but not what we’d call expensive. So don’t have things if you don’t want them stolen. With the massive increase in cycling over the past few years, surely its time to provide more secure locking points, at least covered by CCTV as well (not that CCTV will stop anyone but may make some opportunists think twice).


Was going to zwift through a company all hands meeting. PC won’t turn on, moved it to a new socket, nothing, changed the fuse, nothing.

Suspect the PSU has unexpectedly died :frowning:


Just found another hole in a pair of jeans that I fixed a hole in the crotch of. This one is the seam at the arse.

I suspect these jeans may have had it. I guess I have worn them most days for at least 2 years now… I can’t actually remember when I got them, but it would have been pre-pandemic.