
But surely there’s a business opportunity to highlight the privacy features that they build in like hiding the start and end of your activity?

One of the things that made me go private, were comments about my commuting patterns/working hours.

I’m looking at you @Poet :sweat_smile:


I would think the data is more likely to be stolen from the small third parties the data is distributed to from Garmin by Human API, and to insurers.

All of which is transfers that happen which people have consented to, BTW.


It was a funny episode, but Poet’s right and Ray is forgetting that they only need to be clear to new customers for sales purposes. Those people go to the subs page and know what they will pay.

There’s no demand from individuals to understand how all other subscribers are paying, except from YouTube reviewers.

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How do you stop duplicate activities from Garmin and Zwift appearing?

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Only link one of them to your strava account.

Strava can (sometimes) detect if you have recorded the same outdoor ride on 2 different devices, I assume it is doing some GPS overlay and time stamping. But as Zwift has some GPS data and Garmin doesn’t, strava doesn’t detect it as duplicate.

I just delete one of them. Or forget and ego boost the weekly totals.


I don’t record Zwift activities on my Garmin watch. Zwift feeds Strava and Garmin Connect.

No way to do it then, I’ll keep annoying everyone with my duplicates until I manually delete them then.


Do you record your a Zwift session using a Garmin device (in addition to Zwift)?

If so, why? (Trainer road, perhaps, or doing another workout using the head unit/watch?)

Zwift can auto-push to Garmin Connect and also Strava, so no duplication of activity and it appears in Garmin, too. :trophy:

There has to be a way to stop them duplicating if you want dual recording?

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I have Zwift connected to both Strava and Connect and it “just works”. Never have duplicates in Strava even though Connect is linked to it


Essentially, no ecosystem truly syncs with another, and if it does today there’s no guarantee it will tomorrow.

Zwift data doesn’t do Training Effect, it does everything else.

Plus, Zwift data is usually wrong for distance or some fucking thing going wrong.

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Do you have TrainingPeaks?
That’s a similar thing and gets data from Zwift.

Odd that Garmin won’t use Zwift data for a score?!?!

But I agree that something usually goes wrong on Zwift.

And as we know, distance = 0km indoors :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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If you’re talking about the Garmin metrics not accounting for zwift, trainerroad, etc, then that’s not been the case for about 18 months.

All my trainerroad activities pull through to my watch and update my metrics, even though I’m just recording them on the trainerroad desktop software.

No it still misses TE

Ultimately it makes complete sense. Garmin is a device centric system, the whole point is to get you to buy a device - if you can get all the value without a device, or with a cheap one, it’s working against their strategy.


The Garmin ‘way’ is to record Virtual Runs when Zwift running and use Outdoor setting to such TR workouts to the watch. But this is also imperfect. TR designed those for outdoor, so the workouts are not always the same and erg mode during warm up is wrong. And it’s much nicer to have the TR app view than fuck about on the watch to see what happening next.

I guess a ‘Virtual Ride’ broadcasting to the TR app would sort that out.

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If Strava won’t de duplicate, it won’t - end of story :slight_smile:

C’mon Joseph.
How hard would it be to create an API to do this for you?

Seems like a nice little project.


Gone are the days I have little projects!

Mind you, more weeks like the past four and I might have to go back to freelancing and lazing about.


Is training effect a new 955 era metric?

It’s weird seeing you talk about Garmin after being such an advocate for AW for so long, and scoffing at the need for specific device!


It’s been a journey. I got tired of waiting for apps to be developed, fancied a change after I smashed the AW. Now in for a penny in for a pound.

If it broke tomorrow, price point I’d have to step down. I think it’s a harder argument for Garmin to win around the £200 mark. And I still am adamant that the battery issue people think is so important is a total red herring.

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