Strength training

I’ve never really got this. I think I have no awareness of the bodily sensations other people have. Do you squeeze something?

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No, not really. I just do the exercises then can feel if they have worked when I can actively feel my bum contributing when I run.

Difficult to put into words, really.


And so it begins ….

30 kg ( total ) Squat.

100 reps in 4:04.


Same here.

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Any reasoning behind the high reps, low load approach?

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It’s just a physical challenge that I’ve only seen completed twice in nearly 40 years of being a gym rat.

Squat your body weight for 100 reps, you can stop but you can’t rack.

I’ve seen loads of people go to Kona, sub xx 5k”s, sub hour25 mile tt”s, 50x50 kg bench, 1000 press-ups etc etc … but this would be a real challenge for me, I have skinny legs and crushed discs!!! I won’t do it, but I’ll get as close as I can.

Just something daft and painful for this year, it’s one of a few I’ve set myself.


:joy: got ya.

I too lack strength in the legs and have spent the last 6 months working on that. I know there is a bit of low reps Vs high reps discussion in the endurance community so I thought you might have some info.

Good Luck :+1:

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Most coaches advocate 10 reps or lower for strength.

I’m doing a touch of that too.

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Usually its:

5-6 reps for max strength
6-8 reps for muscle growth
8-12+ reps for endurance or calorie burn

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My pt getting in on the action

90 kg for 30 reps today, says he’s gunna do the ton up! One day.

In his defence he’s under 90, has a broke knee and does virtually no cardio.

Obviously the other side of the coin is … he ain’t passing no VADA tests !

Nice fella though.


Hmm. Sounds painful. Might revisit in October :smirk:

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Did 50 once as part of the Mass Made Simple programme.
Managed it as one set.

Not sure I could do double

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I’ve done 50 ish last year.

100 would take some graft and some serious practice.

100 reps squat

35 kg total



Comparison between strength work ( traditional gym ) with weights and circuit training ( burpees etc )
Well researched and anecdotal views welcome. :joy:
Which is best or fo you do both?

Just joined a gym for the first time in maybe 18 years plan is to just do weights there. Save cardio for zwift and road.

Can someone point me in the direction of a simple lifting programme for me.

I specifically need to strengthen my shoulders and upper back and my calf and foot due to past problems. Plus normal strength for triathlon.


Shoulders and upper back are covered well by Lat Pull Downs ( over hand grip )and Seated Rows. These both transfer well to swimming. :+1:


This is a good solid programme. It focuses on the main compound movements, will hit all the major muscle groups, no fannying about with curls for the girls.

3 times a week, starting off should only take about 25-30 mins. When you are bit further in and have warm up sets and resting longer probably be 40 mins.

It includes programmed progressive overload so you are increasing the weight each session by a small amount. That I think is useful when tri training as well so your not shredding your arms and legs and ruining your main sessions.

If you want to target calf strength specifically then you could add in some calf raises (standing or seated), but the calves will be getting a half decent workout from squats and deadlifts as they are the only thing stopping your ankle collapsing under the weight.

There is a spreadsheet you can download or the app is good, the paid for version is about 15 notes and it does all the warm up calcs


You’ve inspired me…
30kg plus bar, so let’s say 35.
50 reps.
Breather but no racking every 10.

Can’t believe how much was gasping.

Onwards :muscle:

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Well done !

30 kg plus the bar ( Olympic) is 50 kg?!


Once you start breathing heavy the ends near… go too slow and the lactic gets you before you can get the reps up ….

It’s a challenge for sure.

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