The over 50's

I’ll be aiming for a finish/sub-24 for Extreme X this year. I think the only completer did 19 hours in 2019, and we are talking a super fit youngish athlete, something I am not.

For a 56 year old (well, in Febuary) it will be interesting to see how long I can keep up the regime of cardio day on, day off. For the X last year I’d batter the days in groups then have 2-4 day blocks off for recovery. I do get overly excited sometimes and carried away!


I’m afraid that race looks to be well over @magnacarter !!! :see_no_evil:


@magnacarter nah! I’m all talk mate

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You can definitely take an hour off your PB time on a course like Copenhagen. My mate did Lanza in 12:15 and Kalmar (similar time Copenhagen) in 10:15



Thank You.

Aren’t you a bit too young to be even looking on this thread :thinking:

Or is it your ‘how I feel age’ :rofl:

I’m doing my research Jeff! Trying to be as prepared as possible! I turn 36 on Sunday!!!



Just work on standing up slowly (or quickly if you want to simulate drug taking), never jump down from above 18 inches, and glue hair off-cuts in your ear canal, and you’ll be well on the way

Another one ageing up this year, 50 in August. I’ve never been competitive in my life so moving to a different age group isn’t likely to change anything.
It reminds me of the old joke about the guy who has a brain operation and asks the surgeon if he’ll be able to play the piano after the op. The surgeon reassures him that he’ll be able to do it perfectly well, to which he replies “That’s good, because I’ve never been able to before”


Turning 53 in a couple of weeks. More than halfway to M55…

Solid start to the training; aerobic base complete, now going to more sweetspot and tempo on the bike and a couple of tempo/intervals sessions on the run.

Encouraging park run on New Year’s day: 19:25. Hoped to sneak under 20:00 so this was a pleasant surprise - perfect weather and pan flat but still happy with the turn of speed.


56 and a bit…not really trained consistently for some years, but am planning to return to New Zealand Coast to Coast in 2021, so need to get cracking…


Didn’t realised you had done Coast to Coast. Think I read that you need to be kayak certified to enter now?

You mean have a supporter who’s kayak certified, while you swim across right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Totally, whilst carrying your inflatable bike :wink:

I’m 52 in 2 weeks and although I don’t feel middle aged, I’m starting to realise I’m getting into the late summer of life.

On Thursday I was having a look at the various pensions I’ve accumulated over the last 33 years. I was trying to figure out when I could reasonably reckon to to retire.

What really made realise I’m getting older is when I set a target of age 60. That’s only 8 years away! Seriously, no way do I feel as if I may be only 8 years away from potential retirement. How the feck did that happen?

Reality check. I’m getting old.


9 years and counting …!

60 is endex no matter how little or how much the govt decide to give me.

Been part time 5 years, case of having too.

Slowing down especially top end run speed but there’s life in the old fellas yet!


That was my plan until we had Little One. Now life is about working as long as I can and squaring away life ins/pension payout for them should the worst happen.

It’s scary though isn’t it!

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I’m just 3 weeks behind you in hitting 52, and also planning on retiring at 60… its approaching fast!

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Very fast!

State pension doesn’t kick in until 67 for me🙄