The over 50's

me neither… i’ve a few bits and pieces of pension I can take before that, but taking them early has a pretty nasty impact on income under a traditional annuity model, so still exploing options… including selling up and moving to Girona where my parents live!

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Being the Prison service …

Surely I get something for 38 years!

Hopefully get our “ original” pension back but whatever it is … I’m taking it and gone!

The way it’s going in 17 years time there will be no State pension…

I’ll be 54 in a couple of months and definitely retiring at 60, if I can last that long. Takes me much longer to recover the older I get and my running speed is at an all time slow. Legs feel like they’ve ceased up but I’m out there and doing it. The weekend was glorious and the countryside beautiful. I love being active for this very reason. I’ll never win anything but I do have fun (most of the time).


Definitely on a wind down here.

53 years old on Wednesday. Worked for BT for 22 years but after a brutally, mental health impacting last 2 years took a voluntary package last July.

Not part of the original plan (retire at 60), but the package was reasonable. Opted to kick my final salary pension off at 55 - it’s livable on without a mortgage, but mortgage is due to run until 60.

Picked up a part time job 3 days a week to plug some of the shortfall. The reduction in stress and increase in time to do things has been fabulous. Not training more in hours, but hoping the lifestyle, plus more time to recover and do other things should sslow down the decline.

Notched a 3 year PB park run of 19:25 on New Year’;s day so hoping this is a sign of good things to come…


Good stuff mate. :+1:

Been meaning to post on here for a bit, I’m 50 in May :grimacing:

Would also like to retire at 60, house is paid for and I don’t have a car on finance for that monthly bill, with a bit of luck the Mondeo will last at least 5 more years, it will be approaching 130K by then though! and I intend to buy something cheapish at that point.

Unfortunately IT has changed a lot in recent years, it’s bureaucracy these days and it’s getting to the point where you spend more time filling in forms than doing actual IT work.

But I’ve got nearly 25 years in the pension already so another 10 should be enough, depending on whether state pensions are still around when I reach 67. Although, as work is part of my social circle there’s always that concern, although I do have a good group of friends at the running club etc., but having worked there for so long there’s a couple of people in the department I’ve known for nearly half my life, whereas I rarely see people from school. I do see my mates I grew up with every few months, especially now that some of their kids are growing up.

Also been paying into an AVC for about 18 years to top things up. I suspect I’ll be paying a fair bit of tax on it all.

I will try and get round to posting about any sport related aging issues as well :joy:



52 in a few weeks and still to peak…gradually improving Ironman times albeit I’m slow and small chunks of time each race.
I’m still Waiting for that perfect race and although I retire from triathlon every year due to the amount of injuries I always go again…just hoping all the strength and conditioning I’m now adding will help. If not, I’ll stop and double my weight.
Hope to retire somewhere warmer within the next ten years.


i was when i did it…my certificate expires next year so am trying to go again…

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So, I did turn 50 a couple of weeks ago :grimacing:

I’ve already got a letter selling me over 50’s life insurance, that didn’t take long :rage: :rofl:

Should I consider it :rofl:


Car insurance goes down


Fast expensive daft car was £337…?!

Athletically the biggest dip in performance comes at 50-55… apparently…but it’s the same for us all…!

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Hmm, thanks for cheering me up with that :joy:, and I set about 6 PB’s last year.


That is spooky…!
The renewal just came through the door …?!

Twenty quid more.


I broke my 70.3 pb last year

Aged 50.

It obviously doesn’t apply to tri talkers mate?!

Thought you would know that !!!


Unless I find a downhill course or actually bother swimming again I can’t see me getting near my 70.3 PB again.

Would of course help if there were any races.

I thought insurance quotes were down a bit as people aren’t driving as much? I got a £20 refund for both of my cars off Admiral.

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It’s fixed for three years
It’s still nearly half direct lines quote

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Welcome to the club @jeffb and it isn’t as bad as some make out.
I will be 51 next week so got a slight head start on you :smiley:


Well on the way to 53, so getting used to it now!

My opinion, FWIW… f**k get slower and being over the hill… you’re only going to get slower if you let yourself get slower! :joy:


By and large, yes, unless of course you were daft enough to set a now unattainable pb in certain distances, damn you 22 year-old me


Have you had your bowel cancer screening kit though? :upside_down_face:

No, but when doctors etc start routine testing again I’m probably expecting to get called in for some checks :grimacing:

And given my dad’s issues they could be unpleasant :joy:

Is that routine north of the border?

Welcome to the club. :smile:

I am 53. Whilst I was definitely faster in my 30s, I am finding now that I have more endurance than I did back then. It’s partly a mental thing.

I am hoping to do the triple at Deca UK next year (if it goes ahead - might roll over to 2022). I won’t be quick, but I wouldn’t have had the mental fortitude to do it when I was younger, or the time to train. Both kids away at uni now.

It’s all good!