Things that show you’ve been doing tri for too long!

Was just contemplating things I have/own that show i’ve been kicking around this sport for a fair while now…

a few of you will relate to these, be able to say “me too”, and probably add to the list of:

A used yellow PowerBar drink bottle
A simple black IM finishers T shirt, with a bit of red trim
A set of Coach Troy Spinervals DVDs
An old Garmin watch so big that it can be seen from outer space
A rucksack used for nothing but holding other rucksacks
A large full bag containing nothing but swim caps
A box in the spare room that always has one slightly rusty safety pin and a gel that went out of date 6 years ago at the bottom.

What have I missed? :grin:


3rd divorce


650 wheels


Every draw I open has a Swim cap in it. I have a collection of former Garmins, no idea why I keep them. I have a mega old Forerunner 305 somewhere. Its like an 80s mobile phone


I have a bag full of triathlon backpacks

Also a bag full of swim caps and race numbers.

Full ocd with the caps and numbers - they’re stored in the order of completion


I think I’ve got one of those Powerbar bike covers you got for transition if they thought it was going to pour down in the garage.


An internet history that includes conversing with people I’ve never met before discussing hours spent in lycra and neoprene.

If Operation Blue Carpet ever catch up with me I’m in trouble…


A Triathlonpro wetsuit with the diagonal zip across the front.
Gripshift bar-end changers.
DH Scott aero bars.
Forward seatpost.
Mans crop-top and bikini bottom twinset.
Oakley Razor Blades.
A beam bike or a Hotta


Is that you, or just a dream kit list?!


I have next to nothing.
My swim caps just seem to disintegrate.
And my head is too large for the thicker ones, they just roll off, so they get binned immediately.

I do have 10speed and tubulars, so a bit of throwback?

All t-shirts are from within the last two years.

I don’t have bags in bags in bags, either.

You lot need your heads checking.

This is my only medal and number
(Medal is 2nd overall and the number is a reminder of training well done)

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Yeah i’m not overly sentimental. Various medals hang up in the shed, corroding away. A few others are in the kids’ play boxes. No race numbers. Tech tees used for general run training, anything else has probably been recycled.

I do still have my Garmin 305 in a drawer though. And the one before my current watch. Again, no idea why!! I’m still wearing my 2010 baggy, naff orca tri shorts (first ever pair for my first tri, paired up with a Berghaus tech tee!!) on the turbo when the clean kit pile is looking desperate! I think i have an IM visor somewhere that hasn’t been worn in about 7 years, or maybe that’s in the bin as well!?

Oh and i have 2 pairs of compression calf guards that don’t get used as well!!

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The Croc
The Grip
The Blais rollover
Pyros platforms
Rod Cedaro
North American Sports
Tinley Talks

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These are AMAZING!!!
Did anyone end up using them in the Super League?

They seem ideal for that short format racing.

For 5/20/2.5 Duathlon a they are also perfect :+1:t3:

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Unless you walked into the garage, there aren’t really any clues that I do any sport in our house.
The only clue is in the third bedroom, I have a Welsh flag tri ‘relief’ and a signed poster from Chrissie when I was smashed up in hospital.

Out of the medals I’ve kept, they’re just thrown in the Lego box in the corner of the ‘bag cupboard’.


nor me … err except the tattoo on my forearm that follows me around everywhere!! :rofl:


Isn’t that to keep your wife in Birkins?


Surely someone has powercranks hidden away :thinking:


This isn’t ST.

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DVD copy of ‘What it Takes’

Which I still occasionally watch for entertainment/motivation.

Is that the Peter Reid one?