Things that show you’ve been doing tri for too long!

It’s a barrier to some but you can do one for pretty cheap. Pick a small pool based tri, you need something to swim in, something to bike/run in (cheap trisuit is £30) a bike and helmet (borrow or buy) and trainers (from £20) entry fee (from around £30) goggles (£5)

Even at the cheapest with borrowing a bike and helmet it will cost you £80-£100 many people won’t have that much spare.

By comparison a 10k run, entry fees are around £15, trainers and something to wear maybe £20 if you don’t have anything but many people will.

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Genuinely true in some cases, but not in most. That money will get spent on something else, that is more appealing. Triathlon is an arduous sport, that’s the biggest ‘selecting’ factor.

Take the Fan Dance: you just need sturdy trainers and a rucksack for the Clean Fatigue Category, plus £50. Most people have those; they just don’t want the physical challenge. We shouldn’t ‘apologise’ for that.

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When did you last enter a 10K?

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Ah the one near me has upped it, still £22/24 isn’t bad.

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So…£25.44 vs £15.

A 70% increase :money_with_wings::rofl:

Yeah, that ain’t bad for them, is it.

I think the top one was £18 before, can’t remember what ATW used to charge for their running races but yeh, this stuff has all got more expensive recently.

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Just for you @Jgav



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I’m going to ask if I can run the 11.1km which starts at the 10km finish and ends at the half marathon finish, a snip at £5


did they send a taxi to pick you up and provide a tent for camping too?


£50 to walk up a mountain no one owns …?


D0 you get a t shirt and medal ?!


I think you get a framed print if you are any good :slight_smile:


I hope you’re being ironic; as that applies to any event on the public roads or land!


Actually, the Saturday event had Lofty there; shame I missed that.

£50 for 3.5 hours is a bargain…!

Nice winged dagger certificate too, I knew 3 guys who passed selection years ago.

They were all quite mad in different ways, knew 4? who were better soldiers that failed.

Two big weightlifters from our gym did it last year, Virtual type event?

It took them ages…

I’m going to send them your winning cert shot

From Eastenders?


Wiseman? Is he still alive?

Yes, but looking very much his age now. I fetch-up a pic and put it on the FD thread.

You only get a framed print if you win your category (Main Field or Masters).

Definitely not Virtual! There were several hundred there on the Sunday event; you get a post race meal, finishers patch and obvs the mountain safety cover.


These did it last year

Local to us
Outside… they did it together but should have been apart I think
Same elevation
Same distance etc

Nice fellas but neither would pass any form of drug test.

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