Tokyo 2020(1) - with spoilers

Going to come back together I think

Super ride by Carapaz


Nice little finish there. Going that deep in that heat and humidity has got to hit WVA’s chances in the tt now surely?

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Enjoyed the finish

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Banana and a bit of protein powder he’ll be fine.


From Pog’s bag?


enjoyed that race. nice tidy win from Carapaz

Coincidence that I just went through the unread posts from the TDF thread, opened at the start of the discussion about Carapaz lack of teamwork/unpopularity about 4 days from the end. Pog was immediately smiles and congratulations to Carapaz today so guess no hard feelings.


Great ride by Carapaz. I’m a fan. Aren’t his family subsistence farmers in Ecuador or something like that?

Is it time for G to retire? I know it’s supposed to be a bit of a joke he crashes a lot but hasn’t the joke threshold been passed now.

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Tao GH went down right in front of him :man_shrugging:


Peaty really is awesome :muscle: 57.56 for fastest 100m breaststroke in the heats…looked like he’d been for a walk in the park afterwards :exploding_head:


I know it doesn’t really fit in the marginal gains envelope from an aero point of view, but have they considered stabilisers?


The swimming is pretty awesome to watch.

WvA described as a “future star of the sport” :sweat_smile:

Thomas crashing. Again :man_facepalming:


Guess it’s different to trade teams with so few riders.


I like the guy and watched all of the TDS as he rides all out it was nice for him to get gold and WVA deserves a silver for the work he put in.

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Men’s Tri tomorrow.

Hard to see Jonny in the top half dozen; Yee’s fate probably hangs on the swim and where he is/who is nearby on the bike.

Conditions could decide this race although its an early start so hopefully not too bad. Alex will have a good showing but medal will be beyond all dreams. I could see French trying to get a fast swim into bike break for Luis with the rest acting as Dom’s and at least one trying to spoil chase pack. Wilde could be the outside bet for me. Can’t wait to watch Alex but the women’s race is exciting me more. So many with a medal hope that anything could happen. Be great to see Jess take it out.

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I thought it was Monday night?

It’s Monday 6:30 am Japan local time, they’re 8 or 9 hours (?) ahead so that makes it late Sunday night for us.

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