Trail & Ultra Running Thread

35.10 in, you can hear me but can’t really see me :smile:


18wks Saturday I think?


Time for 4 big training blocks and a taper :grinning:


Yeah I’m thinking along those lines. I have a race late Feb and early May, need one for March and April and then build the rest around that.

I want to do some more training from Cockington to Arundel, as that section is pretty draining. I don’t know any of it past that, so might do a couple of recces further on.

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One for you @doug :+1:


An interesting look at first 100 mile race in uk and the contrast with today - the 1973 Downsman along the route of the SDW


What a lovely film! That David Rosen was a bit of a weapon in his day!

There is some history with the SDW100 because it used to part of an Ultra World Tour or something like back in the day. I remember it coming up in an interview with James Ellson about the World Trail Majors.

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David Rosen was very impressive - 2:34 marathon best and SDW in 16 hrs

Great to see he is still involved in running 50 years later!

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The South Downs 80 was a big race in the late 80s/early 90’s. Called itself the World Trail Running Championship.

My Dad did the race one year and i crewed. Not sure how much help i was…i remember falling asleep in my car waiting at Ditchling Beacon!


Ah yes, that’s it. Did it start 20 miles in or finish 20 miles short? I bet your Dad was proud to be part of that!

Started in QE park and finished in Eastbourne.

I think it was my Dad’s only Ultra, they weren’t really i thing then. He was a marathon runner and went out way too fast! Death marched it in for the finish!

Probably to blame for me wanting to do these stupid races🙄


QEP is a tough start, that’s a long old drag!

Yesterday I went on a international women’s day walk in Manchester with a women’s walking group . I had seen it advertised on Beth’s instagram but didn’t think she would be there . I may have fan girled a little - but was nice to ask her about her races and wins and course records and how pizza is the best pre and post race food :rofl:


Did you ask ‘are you the fast sister?’ :rofl:
Lovely pic :+1:


The Barkley’s must be starting soon? Anyone got a slot :grin:



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ETA Doh!


Jan and I were just talking last night about whether Barkleys was going to happen this weekend. The usual suspects have evidently set their Strava profiles to private. I’ll say it again: really really hope that Jasmine Paris is going to have another crack at it :slight_smile:


I watched an interview with someone a few weeks ago that let the cat out of the bag on whether they were doing the BM. They realised they’d said too much but I can’t for the life of me remember who it was! :smile:

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Let’s try again :grin: