Trail & Ultra Running Thread

18.2km done and 4.5 to go


We are done. I reckon we would have been easily 20mins quicker on the watch if I’d stopped it every time someone wanted to talk about how far LO was hiking but that’s the beauty of the trail adventure. :grin:


I’ve entered the local Hanging Stone Leap race, it’s an LDWA event and I did the 24 mile version a couple of years ago to get some miles in my legs for the CCC. Just doing the 21K version this time, hopefully I’ll be there for the correct start time and not miss the shortcuts.

It’s 7th July and a week after I’m back from the 70.3 in Dunkirk so hopefully I won’t be injured!

Toying with an entry to Borrowdale :grimacing:


I’ve been ill all night and most of today. Has @sparky started, any news?


I can answer that one. Picked up a chest infection from my guests last week so canned it Thursday night after a test run to see if it is at all possible. To say I am gutted would be an understatement as I was really ready and very much looking forward to it. So I am crewing for Jan at Endure 24 next weekend.


Very sorry to hear that mate, I know you were looking fwd to it. Looks like you are doing E24 Wasing? Has you or Jan done that before? I have a few tips if you like.

Well the plan was for Jan to crew me this weekend and then vice versa for next weekend. She has the same illness as me but is actually a week ahead in terms of the illness, if that makes sense. So she is up for Endure next weekend.
Yes I know you have done it previously. Tips are more than welcome. :smiley:


OK, tip time. Get there early for the solo camping, they will line you up in two lines in the field and hold you until opening time. If you’re not that fussy then don’t stress but if you want be right next to the course, then get there at least 90 mins before the field opens.
If you want the absolute best spot, get in the r/h lane in the field and take the first ‘junction’ on the right for the solo camping and if you can, get right where the tip of the yellow arrow is on the map attached.
This is the best spot because your runner will pass by at the end of the in lap and at the start of the out lap. It’s the only spot on the course that does this. That way, your runner can let you know if they need anything special looking out and it gives you about 1.5km running time to have it ready to handover when they pass again. Or it gives your runner time to think between the first and second pass.
Failing that, just get next to the course if you can.

Take ear plugs, the music is proper loud on the Friday night and your section is close to it but it ended at 11.00 sharp in '22, so hopefully will be the same.
Depending on how well Jan hydrates, she might be happy swigging at the camp and then drinking at the aid station but personally, I found running with a belt, a couple of emergency gels and a 250ml bottle was the best play. (I had two bottles, so one could be filled whilst running).

Take a zip lock back or have grab and go bags to eat whilst moving. If you can get that primo spot, do this on the way out for a new lap because there is a big hill that walking up gives you time to eat.

Make a sign that says ‘JAN, SOLO’, I cannot tell you how much of a motivator that is. Folks go crazy for the solo runners. Walk the hills, they are all ‘marchable’.
Be very careful in the wooded descent, extremely easy to trip over tree roots there.
Make sure you buy your (rip off) spectator wrist band, you can’t enter race village without it.
We found that walking to the showers that were diagonally furthest away from the solo area was best, they were nearly always free.
The poshest loos were the ones at the top of the car park area, near the big dish washing station.
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Thanks that is incredibly helpful. Will pass on :slightly_smiling_face:

No problem. I’ll write more as I think of them.

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17 runners still in at BYU, about to start lap 30!

My Arc finishing mate ( Craig Foley) is doing the JC100 mile in three weeks time. I was looking for some clips and who should pop up ? :smile:


My career as a videographer never did take off. Wonder why?! :joy: :joy:


12 runners just gone out for lap 35 at BYU, the one remaining lady has just timed out.

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Yard 45, 7 runners still going, bloody hell!


Thats my friend Karen :sunglasses:

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Bloody hell, they’re still going! 5 left and approaching 3 days, 72 yards. Amazing


They’re still going! Yard 82 and 3 left in. Weather looks horrible. British record about to be broken.

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Found this on one of the ultra threads


I saw that and use them regualry as my go to gel - its annoying when you trust what it says on the packet and its wrong. I have a few left over so will probably double up for now and then poss find alternatives…