Trail & Ultra Running Thread

Nope . :-1: I just couldnā€™t deal with the cold.


It does look like an exercise in extended misery!


Little local event tomorrow, never done a 6hr event before, not sure how mindnumbingly bored or dizzy Iā€™ll get after a few 5.3km laps, Iā€™ll see how long my legs (and head) last.
At least its in a nice park.


Good luck Doug :+1:t2:


Good luck @doug :facepunch:

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It wasnā€™t a bad day for a run in the park, route is mostly an out and back, with a loop at the far end, it goes past the miniature railway, past several small lakes, does a loop through the Cursed Coins Trail (pirate themed) up a short sharp hill, then back, supposedly 5.3km per lap. Started out quite busy then thinned out, a lot seemed to pull out after 4 laps (half marathon), more dropped at 8 laps (marathon), with only a few souls left out there at the end. I planned to do 10 laps and then see how I felt, I was slowing up a fair bit on laps 9 and 10 so stopped after 10 laps, though I could have squeezed in another before the cutoff. Overall a friendly bunch and well organised. Not sure how people can manage a 12hr or 24hr race that would just do my head in. 6hrs is manageable, though I prefer to be out in the remote wilderness going somewhere.

That being said, Iā€™ve signed up for another on the 27th Feb, this does have the added intrigue of 140m ascent per lap, which should help keep things interesting.


Nice work Doug.


Well done Doug, nice going :clap::clap::clap:


Nice work.
Just seen that on Strava :white_check_mark::exploding_head:

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So weird to have a race on a random Tuesday! Any reason for that?

But well done on the race itself!

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Very nice Doug :clap:t2:

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The Big Bear events mostly seem to be on random weekdays, next one is on a Thursday, I guess the main reason is it is easier to get permission for the parks they use.

Their FAQ says:

You know some of your events are during the week and not in the school holidays?

Yes! We appreciate this is different to the standard Saturday/Sunday morning run slot. That is sort of the point! Not everyone works 9-5 Monday to Friday, people work shifts, flexi-time etc. or can take a day of holiday for the event. If that doesnā€™t work for you, then most of our events wonā€™t work for you at present. As the company grows and our race calendar grows then maybe weā€™ll entertain weekend events. However, the venues we use are considerably busier at the weekend, this could result in many issues for our events. Itā€™s not quite as simple as it may seem!


Great work @doug

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Well done Doug!

I do like the random day of the week aspect to these events!

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Provisional results show I was the fastest of the 10 lappers, and 4 went further (one did 13 laps, three did 11). 96 started.

Hopefully some piccies will be available soon


Well done, Doug :+1:

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162 looks too young to be retired :wink:


Heā€™s checking out those two ladies though. Very unsubtely


Given heā€™s an ultra runner, heā€™s probably checking out the hydration vest.