So, I’ve had a free account for ages. If I went Premium, will it just suck-up and crunch all the data already in there and provide me with instant graph/curve/peak gratification? If it’s going to start learning from scratch not sure I can be bothered at this point.
Yes. You can pick up and drop off at any point
Has anyone got a gold British cycling membership and do they want to share the 40% off code? I’ve tried to guess it using old codes but I can’t get one to work, only a 20% off.
Haha, I’m exactly the same. I had the code last year, but don’t have Gold BC, and compounded by the introduction of UK VAT onto the subscription price, it’s jumped massively if I only use my BTF 20% code.
Is there a BTF code? I’m a member this year.
Yes, you can login to your Tri England account and the code should be there in the list of all the others.
There’s also two different 20% codes listed on this ST thread:
You’re welcome
You can tell it’s American - no mention of tax, then adds it on at the very end.
I f*cked up with my order, should have just said I lived in America and faked an address and would have saved on the tax. Didn’t think about it till afterwards
Oh well, I for one thank you Bob, for sharing the code
Highest ‘Form’ since my Sprint Tri last month, sitting at 35 tomorrow. It’s almost like I know what I’m doing without TP
6x800 this morning all run at faster than 10k pace. Elevate gave me a paltry 36hrss where my legs feel like they’ve had a workout.
Don’t invoke the wrath of @stenard
My CTL line had me scratching my head seriously, and I was quite concerned that my CTL was dropping away at the most inopportune time. Then I realised why my CTL was so high in Mar/Apr…and went about deleting the duplicated long rides & trainer sessions
My CTL is now much flatter over time. It should start going up again this week now the long rides start, on top of the long runs/swims.
I rarely ever use the desktop site, but having had a look through my last Block, the TSB figures at the end of each week are quite different to the Mobile app. Last week for example, I finished on -27 on the App, but desktop had me at -5. I am way more inclined to believe the lower figure!
Anyone else found this?
Any WKO users, wondering if WKO 5 is worth it?
That’s weird. All my numbers are always exactly the same. It’s the same data after all??
Ah, I know what I’ve done. I’ve read the Sunday TSB which was of course -5. The -27 didn’t kick-in until Monday, the day after my last big session and carried into this week
lots of whining on farcebook WKO group as it massively slows everything down as it tries to rebuild all the tables. It also affects WKO4 performance whilst its “catching up” . Not sure Im going to rush out to upgrade just yet oh and swim TSS is calculated differently to TP…It counts rest as part of the swim so TP could say 60TSS and WKO5 might only have 30 if for example you’ve done a hard sprint set with lots of rest. I don’t understand why it would need to be different. Ive also had my doubts over the whole CTL thing for mutlisports and this just adds to that.
TSS for swim has always been a bit of a finger in the air process. There really isn’t a reliable way of calculating it. I have done swim sets that come out 60ish TSS that have fatigued me way more than a long run at 100