i know, i’m just teasing. but i am actually that slow (probably slower right now!!)
My race pace
I’m with you GB
I have never really paid any attention to the zones for swimming. They are slightly pointless to be honest. generally with my swimming I am doing it a nice easy warm up pace, threshold (CSS), or all out sprint speed.
Ha thats why I didnt post a pace for fear of lynching but yes it isn’t possible to swim 20s/100 slower than threshold.
I don’t care about it the zones in sense of them changing what I do in the pool, but if I’m going to track TSS then I might as well make the swim vaguely accurate rather than always being same regardless whether was easy skills session or a tough threshold set.
This is the difference between swimmers and triathletes! a sense of pace awareness. We will do endurance sets holding 1:30ish pace but a 400 is sub 1:10 /100 You see it in runners as well. regularly tell people that say "I had an easy run today, only held 7.30miles and i say, if you run a marathon in 2:05 that is still not easy!
Saying all that its one reason I’m don’t get too worried about TSS as an absolute. Its a good guide but only shows a very small part of the picture. When the same company does two different calculations for Swim TSS for their 2 products it makes you think also!
Difference between novices and… Not novices (didnt want to claim expert ). But same for all sports. Top triathletes will have that awareness in all 3 sports, just a matter of experience?
at the very top maybe, but even the better adults are very limited in their absolute knowledge. Dunning Kruger effect, they think they know a lot
You sir, are a legend
Even with the VAT, it’s less than £6 per month (if you pay up front)
And it urinates all over Strava Summit from a great height.
(My third free trial of the year expired today!)
I need to book mark this code. My code is the crap BTF one. But my monthly sub has just renewed. Think if I add that one now I get charged again and a new sub starts
Just cancel the subscription? It’s just a monthly contract not an annual one
It’s worth trying the VAT trick when buying online services/digital products. PayPal will usually let you do it
What’s that then…
Dont think you get a refund for the unused portion. I have paid yesterday for the coming month. I need to cancel and restart just before it renews again
Yes, we owe Bob a beer for that one.
Tell them you live in Canada and it’s 20% cheaper.
You need to set-up an alter-ego for online only services If only you knew someone who was an Internet banking services professional.
You lot and your money savings ways…then moaning on other threads about people not paying tax
Not picking up my grammar typo? Now corrected.
“Online services”