Training Peaks - Worth it?

i know, i’m just teasing. but i am actually that slow (probably slower right now!!)

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My race pace :rofl:

I’m with you GB

I have never really paid any attention to the zones for swimming. They are slightly pointless to be honest. generally with my swimming I am doing it a nice easy warm up pace, threshold (CSS), or all out sprint speed.

Ha thats why I didnt post a pace for fear of lynching :joy: but yes it isn’t possible to swim 20s/100 slower than threshold.

I don’t care about it the zones in sense of them changing what I do in the pool, but if I’m going to track TSS then I might as well make the swim vaguely accurate rather than always being same regardless whether was easy skills session or a tough threshold set.

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This is the difference between swimmers and triathletes! a sense of pace awareness. We will do endurance sets holding 1:30ish pace but a 400 is sub 1:10 /100 You see it in runners as well. regularly tell people that say "I had an easy run today, only held 7.30miles and i say, if you run a marathon in 2:05 that is still not easy!
Saying all that its one reason I’m don’t get too worried about TSS as an absolute. Its a good guide but only shows a very small part of the picture. When the same company does two different calculations for Swim TSS for their 2 products it makes you think also!

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Difference between novices and… Not novices (didnt want to claim expert :sweat_smile:). But same for all sports. Top triathletes will have that awareness in all 3 sports, just a matter of experience?

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at the very top maybe, but even the better adults are very limited in their absolute knowledge. Dunning Kruger effect, they think they know a lot :wink:

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You sir, are a legend :smiley:
Even with the VAT, it’s less than £6 per month (if you pay up front)
And it urinates all over Strava Summit from a great height.

(My third free trial of the year expired today!)

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I need to book mark this code. My code is the crap BTF one. But my monthly sub has just renewed. Think if I add that one now I get charged again and a new sub starts

Just cancel the subscription? It’s just a monthly contract not an annual one

It’s worth trying the VAT trick when buying online services/digital products. PayPal will usually let you do it

What’s that then…

Dont think you get a refund for the unused portion. I have paid yesterday for the coming month. I need to cancel and restart just before it renews again

Yes, we owe Bob a beer for that one.

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Tell them you live in Canada and it’s 20% cheaper.


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You need to set-up an alter-ego for online only services :sweat_smile: If only you knew someone who was an Internet banking services professional.

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Eh :wink:

You lot and your money savings ways…then moaning on other threads about people not paying tax :wink:

Not picking up my grammar typo? :laughing: Now corrected.

“Online services”