It’s alright, you drive a Hyundai - we trust you
should get you a free month
Has anyone taken up the offer of buying a training plan and get 1 month free?
I’ve have a quick browse through but nothing jumped out
I think it would be too hard for me to commit to a training plan as my training is very ad-hoc. Most of the time I just mix up my sessions to have a decent variety in a week. This year I might try and focus sessions towards key events.
I thought you got the full length of the training plan free when you bought one?
If it’s the free access to TP you want them I’ve found ‘buying’ the free plans in the past also works. The Sufferfest plans are free, and Oxygen Addict usually do a 4 week trial plan for like £5 which lets you see the kind of sessions they do and how TP works.
I’m hoping some kind & marvellous individual shares a discount code again this year
I guess many will be renewing this year; can we change our address to say we live in one of the no/low tax US States, and keep the same account? Does this work if your payment card is registered outside the US?
Just registered, after only having basic membership for the past 3 years.
Was nice not to have to pay any tax anymore now living in the US, certainly made a difference
Is there any way to set the week start as Thursday?
(For example)
Or, can you set your “weeks” in 10-day blocks?
Hah yes; I’ve slipped a long ride to a Monday before, so had a ‘light’ week followed by a mega one with 2x long rides!
Do you want to do this for planning or reporting?
If you want to do this for reporting then you can setup your own spreadsheet, using TP data and have the start of the week and blocks whatever length you want
I’m not recording my daily activities manually in a Spreadsheet!
Have you set up a pull from TP into Excel, then?
I was thinking of doing that with Python or VBA.
Or does TP do a nice CSV export?
That is super easy to aggregate in a pivot table?
I alternate my weekends, plus tend to do a couple of three hour rides on Weds and Fri.
Add in some club swims and runs; I tend to find I’m knackered some weeks but not others.
Obviously, sometimes that’s due to life (but usually if that’s the case I know and just sack off any exercise for a couple of days), but others it’s down to training.
When I look at my “weeks” it might be:
Current week = 8 hours
Week -1 = 10 hours
Week -2 = 10 hours
But in Week -1 I’ve done 9hrs over Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun.
I then head into Monday with: 3km swim, 1hr ride, 6km run (am, midday, pm)
Tuesday is 30min swim, 45min run
Wednesday 3hr ride.
So by the end of the ride on Weds I’m close to 16 hours and feel like death.
We can see the 7-day rolling average for ramp rate, why not volume/duration?
And I know ramp rate is meant to show “load” so is sort of what I want to see
When I worked up to >50mpw in the summer, I was manually tracking the rolling seven day mileage, as well as the actual weekly mileage.
Just to ensure I was okay…I think I did a 65-70 mile “week” but either side of it was only 55.
I’m currently pushing my ramp rate with Z2 stuff, as last year worked great taking ~90CTL into mid-March then just adding shorter, more intense stuff to mid-June.
That formula worked for me, so I don’t want to change it.
TP has a pretty good CSV export which contains almost all of the details from each session. Really easy to put into a pivot table or database. You will need to calculate your CTL, ATL and TSB, but that is really simple and replicated TP’s own calculation exactly. Drop me a note and I can send my file, which I modified from one I got off the internet
Let me have a play with it, it’ll give me something to do…other than making a Sudoku game
EDIT: Yeah - that’s super easy to do and really cool they let you export it in that format
It even has all of the HR, power and other data attached to it, not just distance and time.
I have just sent it
Misinterpreted your mail. so deleted my comment
I’m a bit disappointed with this response from TP to be honest. I’ve written back, and hoping that they’ll redeem the situation. But I’m clearly not going to sit there uploading over 1,700 activities!
The platform becomes a fair bit less appealing without having access to my historical data, that I would use to inform future training, benchmark, analyse etc.
Had to start fresh when I created my TP account too.
I wasn’t too fussed and just let it tick over in the background. Painful but I suppose you could upload the last couple of months to see where your numbers are currently at?
Yeah, it works…eventually.
What they say to do should work - drop your Strava files into the TP calendar, then go for a brew…it should eventually process them all.