Training Peaks - Worth it?

Like Poet says, I think you can drop a whole batch of files on the calendar and it will process them appropriately. You don’t have to drop each file individually onto the right calendar day. It uses the embedded data to know when the workout took place. I’m certain I’ve done that before (even though my original Garmin Connect import did actually work properly).

You could test by just dropping in 5 files and checking they import as you’d expect. Then to the other 000’s

at the moment, when i open up the file browser it won’t let me select more than one file. Assuming i can’t drop the .zip file as my ‘one’ file as it won’t know how to extract? I’m not dropping onto calendar days, it just has an ‘upload’ button or similar.

open the folder in explorer, highlight all files and just drag them over the calendar view

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I’ll try this … i was using their specific uploader tool.

edit … maybe after my Team meeting, as i don’t think my WiFi will handle a Teams call and all that data crunching! haha

Ah right, yeah, what hammerer says. Don’t go to file “upload”. Just open the the folder with all the files in, CTRL-A, and then drag them all into the calendar window

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A fit file is a handful of kb’s … I reckon it would be fine!

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… ok one more.

The files from Strava are tcx.gz - any perceived problems with that? Do The support email mentioned .fit files. Is there an easy way to batch update the file types? Or do you think it will be ok. I’ve tried dragging and dropping but nothing much is happening. But no error codes either, so it may be doing something in the background.

Yes - .gz is a zipped file.

You need download WinZip command line.

change directory (cd) into the folder where all of the .gz files are, then type this in:

wzunzip -d *.gz D:\Path\where\they_are_going

in English please @Poet :worried:

i had a look and tried to download winzip but it wants me to pay for something, and it’s a work computer. So i’m a little nervous!

This is why I haven’t joined!

Alternatively, you could try and get tapiriik to do it all for you:
As you are looking at historic bulk import, you might be able to get away with the free manual sync. Although not sure if the free service has a limit on number of historic files. Even if so, the paid for service is only $2 for a year


That’s as English as it gets!

Unless you want to unzip each file manually, you need to use the Command Line Interface (CLI)

WinZip has a 30-day free trial.

once you’ve downloaded WinZip, with the CLI, you access it from the MS-DOS screen (search bar, cmd)
The you navigate to the directory where the files are stored:

cd C:\place_where_the_GZ_files_are

then paste this line in, obvs replace the D:\Drive place with where you want them

wzunzip -d *.gz D:\Path\where\they_are_going

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thanks guys - assume these are reputable downloads? As i don’t really want to c0ck my work laptop up! Especially as the procurement lead on the laptop/desktop contract!!! :rofl:

Winzip is pretty standard.The command interface poet talks about takes me back, I remember doing some basic programming using that with my dad on old windows pc’s back in the 90s.

Tapiriik is a cloud based system that just pull and pushes files from different training platforms.

i’ve got this queuing now

Thanks for reaching out :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Ok thanks for that @stenard i’ve had Tapiriik running in the background since 2pm yesterday! It was in a queue all day and night, and seems to have started early this morning. It’s taking its time, but 70% in now, back to 2014.

That’s filled up my TP graphs a little more! Though the unintended negative outcome has been looking at my CTL chart for this year. From late Jan onwards, my base build (that was due to move into 1/2 mara training) was looking absolutely perfect. Textbook increase. But that’s the same for all of us here!!

Not really sure what i’m gaining from it all right now with no races etc, but i think lockdown is sending me shopping mad. Like i have no filter on what i want to buy at the moment because i justify it so easily as lockdown is so crap!

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What the hell have they done to it???

It is now SUPER HARD to tell the difference between sessions (colour coding has gone!)


Check the Facebook thread. Mixed reviews.

I like the colour changes for completed sessions but not making all sports blue.

Apparently the first has been done for accessibility compliance because it is hard to see the black text on a red background.

The ‘all blue sports’ was apparently based on feedback that athletes thought the colours meant something to do with intensity and were confused. Fk knows who these people were and why they couldn’t just be told it is to deferentiate Between sports.

Lots of people asking them to change it back. They do seem to take user feedback on board over any UX/UI issues so hopefully will change it if more people raise it as an issue.

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All I can see is that the same colours have changed to pastels. I don’t really see much difference there in assessing compliance - it’s certainly not hard to tell what is green what is red, and what’s inbetween (yellow or orange). In the app, it was only a colour bar down the left hand side anyway, and they’re still there in their full deep colours.

I’d agree on the different colour logos for the different sports. My phone app still shows that and I like(d) that.