Training - What Training?!



5x1200 was always the go to 5k session when I did track workouts.


I’m just in from doing 2* 2km with 2mins rec, 2* 1km with 90secs rec, 2* 500m with 60secs rec & I was supposed to do 2* 250m with 45 secs rec but my back started twitching so I called it a day.


Good work. What’s the advantage of varying the interval length during the session? I tend to keep the interval when running as it’s easier to add the session into garmin and reduce complexity. Saying that, I do vary them in swimming - just not running so maybe partly habit.

I ended up doing 4 x 1 mile - I managed to hold target pace for them - slight fade on the last one. New hair cut felt speedy!


Wow, those are hard routes!

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16k jog in the sunshine, nice weather has brought out the inaccurate golfers, a haul of 8 balls from the overgrown verge next to a short par 3 hole, hard work carrying them all home in one go.


Yeah indeed - that’s impressive! When i was going semi regularly (well once a fortnight, sometimes once a week) i topped out at 6c+. Never did nail a 7, but got close.

Big trail run after as well! :muscle:


I’m just following what my club run coach says, but the effort distances are lessening so it seems reasonable to reduce recovery times.

It was a hard session, my effort pace wasn’t increasing much but after the 2* 2km I knew I’d broken the back of it.

Frustrated my back seems to be fecked again, I’ll have to monitor it for a day or so :roll_eyes: .


Ah sorry to hear it’s a recurring injury - hope it settles for you soon.

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I’ve trained twice today!

This morning 3 x 1 mile at the track, rest 2 minutes. Average pace 6:36.

At lunch, 20 minute spin class.


Thanks @Jgav and @gingerbongo :grin:

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10km run , 15’ easy, 5 x 3’ hard, 3’ rest, 15’ easy back.

New Alphaflys, curious to see if there was any difference between new and mine which now have 238km on them - not much in it - these can go back in the box for next year !


Double run day

First at 6.15am - 40 mins along the canal

Second circa 8.30pm - 45 min out and back along the guided busway towards Leigh - hillier than the morning - negative split out and back

Happy with that


4x10 sweet spot on the turbo this evening.

I had planned on sacking this off after 30 minutes but just as I’m finishing up on my 2 minute ‘cooldown’ which is actually just half of the planned workout what comes on the playlist?

Hearts on fire from Rocky4 - absolutely no way I can bin this off now - channelling my inner Stallone - sweating away in my utility room :rofl:

The 80s movie hits continued with the heat is on from Beverly Hills cop after too



Liking running twice. But my legs are still screaming from squats on Sunday. Idiot.


Knee is all sorted now finally! :love_you_gesture: Getting back into a few double days, run and gym.

Big day yesterday. 11.5km at 4:37s over lunch. Throwing some tin around at 5pm for 45 mins (500+ cal burn) then home to smash some food down then 40km ride as I wanted to catch the nice sunset last night. Was a glorious ride, bit of gravel and some dusk riding, beautiful. Riding out was into the sun, home sunset behind me and moon up front and getting battered by what I think were large moths. Must have hit 5 of them, properly felt them, especially the ones that hit my neck!


20 odd mile :biking_man: :dash:

Nearly came off today. Drifting round a bend, away with the fairies - hit a pot hole, then a rock, then rallied along the verge - aghhh :see_no_evil:… somehow managed to stay upright and back on the road :face_exhaling:

Any faster, my feet would prob be sticking out the hedgerow :laughing:


What’s wrong with the shape of your head?


I was just about to ask why you cycle in a policeman’s helmet?


Thought it might be a pickelhaube, biking to a local re-enactment

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