Training - What Training?!

Haven’t run since Sat. Hopefully getting out for an easy 6-8km ahead of Sunday’s marathon but I have a stinking headache so far :slightly_frowning_face:


First run since the desert - fark me 3degrees was a shock to the system after 40+


Been getting quite a lot in recently

Monday - 85 kg Squats 4 x 3 and Bench press 60kg 4 x 3 plus some other accessory work and 8km at 4:30s
Tuesday - 8km at 4:30s and the always fairly savage Barbell METCON session
Wednesday - 16km run at 4:53s, longest run in quite a while.
Thursday - 8km at 4:46s and a fairly cardio/erg based workout at the gym
Today - Deadlifts 100kg 4 x 3, 50kg push press 4 x 3 plus other bits. Will get another 8km run in at lunch.


Was umming and ahhing about doing something today. Really crap week last week, and pretty rubbish this week as well so far. But still wasn’t feeling it.

Pumped myself up, changed into cycling kit for a zwift 1hr session… Ipad is dead. Great. Run it is then! :joy:

Tried some 800m reps. Aimed for 4, with 5 if I was feeling punchy. I wasn’t. 4 near on killed me! :woozy_face:

So ran back home along the seafront. Was feeling good so added another section on without thinking. A roughly 10k run turned into nearly 18kms :laughing:


Thought you’d still be out looking for the lost students :smile:


8 mile run :man_running: :dash: ===

Slow canal run. Legs can’t keep up with ambition at moment. Will ease off for a few days.


What he fails to mention is that they were about 3:20k pace :roll_eyes:


Mrs FT came across an old punch card in my wallet with 6 out of 10 swims remaining at the local leisure centre.

It’s how they used to do things pre 2020, then they closed for a year, and then when they reopened it was all online booking. So the card is 3 years old and all crumpled and missing a few corners.

I’d have just forgotten about it but my good lady hates wasting stuff so phoned up the leisure centre, persuaded them to transfer the card to 6 online swims, and she has booked all 6 swims between now and Christmas. Just did the first one at lunchtime… 1500m splash. I think she has booked some 7am pre work ones too :sleeping:


Same easy 30 mins weights m
Same 30 mins press ups

Feel much better but not ready to get out of breath yet

An old coach said years ago, factor on your recovery weeks or your body will do it for you

This is exactly what happened this week, no fool like an old fool


Club swim this morning, mostly drills fortunately as I had no power. Not sure why, perhaps a hangover from my Covid booster the other day.

Been fannying about with DIY since then so no cycle. Pilates has been cancelled this evening so if I can find £4 I’ll be going along to this later.




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Oh I still pass by occasionally :wave:

It was mostly road with the odd gravel shortcut… still awaiting spare parts for the other bike.
Genuinely seemed like a good idea, at half 5 in the morning with a humungous hangover, less so.

Furthest ride by a long way since second city divide In September.



35min 1800m

200 wu

200 FS PB @1:45-1:40
200 FS w. Fins @1:35-1:30

Repeat with 30s rest

100 FS
100 FS easy



I don’t work the fins much but man it’s exhausting.


1hr on the trainer. Variety of intervals.


Well I found £4 & had a great time haring around in the freezing pitch dark.

Although there was a field of 80+ runners I was engaged in a ding-dong battle with a whippersnapper clubmate the whole way round.

I won a couple of big bottles of Peroni, North East Wales Search & Rescue made a few pennies & it was great to see almost 40% of participants were female :muscle:.


50 minutes in the gym first thing.

5.5k row on the C2.
Then 3 sets each of weighted bridges, barbell squats and side planks.


Walk with GF. Square sausage roll and a 10 mile stroll. Popped over to see the new stockingfield bridge - i always thought it was stockingford junction - the Falkirk/ Balloch canal junction.

Anyway I run past it most days but it’s a new connection and it’s very impressive - saves you having to get off the canal and dart under a small road bridge which was never that safe. I do miss the old days of the canal to Edinburgh being overgrown and scrappy with old oil lines bridged over the surface etc. Thankfully past Falkirk it is more of a green tunnel and all the shag pits etc … more of a rant now lol

Walking back through town. The western infirmary where had a big hip op has long since been levelled and is now a sculpted park/ walkway area. It’s very nice, but crazy how this city changes so much so quickly


Continuing my enthusiasm from the sub 5 thread, …not, I’ve shitcanned training again. Tired, cold.

Fully kitted for a winter run but having a beer and thinking about how people watching when people are wearing three layers isn’t as much fun.



1 hr 12 min trail run with Mrs T and the dog

Day 1 of training for Western States - 202 days to go……


It’s a Sunday. In December.
Rest day, innit.