Training - What Training?!

As long as there no niggles etc in the morning … that’s all good I guess.

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How small/big are these stones you speak of? What are the stones made of - pumice or granite?


I’m trying to be inclusive, innit. Not everyone is our age.

Dunno what it is in kegs… mid to high 80’s?


Also liked your Strava comment. Flirt.

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Heaviest I’ve ever been was 90.5 and that was 14.5 IIRC?

As I said dunno? I’m somewhere between 13.5-14 stone, so whatever that translates into.

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think you’ll find that translates to about 1¾ imperial hundredweights


One of my early developing roles I was working on a school admin system and I had to create a number of modules that the user could add to their dashboard. One of the simple modules was a weight unit convertor, there was no spec so I just grab a list from wiki and discovered the Batman unit Batman (unit) - Wikipedia so of course included it :bat: A few weeks later I got called in to explain WTF I had done! As a youngster I didn’t know what to say so kept quite and apologised; I think I did say at least it was a valid weight unit! Later in my dev career I might have said - show me the spec (of course, there wasn’t one). Dev - a life of making things for ungrateful people!


Afternoon delight :sun_with_face::dark_sunglasses:

1 hour yog. Like Clairol, it was nice and easy.
12.2km, walked the last two minutes.
84kg. Stubborn 7kg hanging around.
16% body mass loss since December :white_check_mark:


10 sprints yesterday along my normal track route.

There were 5 labradors next to the track in a holiday home at the start. I was worried, they were giving me some shit just over a small fence about 10 feel away. Luckily Pavlov didn’t get a look in, I think Darwin was more appropriate… they went apeshit to start with and then lost interest by the 10th and final sprint. The odd murmer from just one of them.

I was still a bit twichy after being bitten last year and in my case I don’t think Darwin was in action as I thought “no, I come up here every 2 weeks for sprints, and you’re only visitors, you can sod off, I’m not going to adapt what I do”. D’oh :rofl:


Son was born at 1853 yday (still undecided on name), less than an hour after getting to the hospital. Got into bed at midnight and managed to squeeze in this morning:

  • 36k ride on the TT.
  • 4K run off it.
    Still not over my sniffle, RPE and HR high for paces.

Heading to the hospital now. Will have the other ruffians tomorrow AM until the missus comes home so may have a forced but probably welcome/necessary rest day.


Congratulations :partying_face:


More important than any SBR.
Hope mum and lad are well

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Thanks everyone!!





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A bit different today. Just an easy one, but tired after an office day yesterday. That only Week 5 of Project RE:swim, but feeling good and pleased with progress thus far :pinched_fingers:t2::grapes:

Just an easy 2km mixed at an easy pace, averaging 1:42/100m as

4×100m pull / paddles
2×200m free
1000m pull
200m paddles cool down

@FartofDarkness / congrats. Hope all are well :+1:t3:


1500m in 24m03 this morning , that’s 1m36 per 100

Was 15m55 at 1000m, thought I might dip under 24 but hip was getting pretty sore towards the end, so turned the kick down a little

next stop 23:xx :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:. which is probably about where I was pre injury. But probably not going to risk trying for a few days, as my limp back from the pool suggests it’s maybe not ideal rehab :smiley: