Training - What Training?!

I’m sure we could help with names… Lionel? Jan? Sebastien? Mark? Dave?


90m total indoor bike. All easy.


30 minute spin class at lunch.

Ran out of time so no swim this week. :pensive:


Bugger all this week beyond a brief Monday turbo. :pensive:

Will try to muster up the energy to go for a ride Sunday morning.


3hr 55km stupid off road ride into the peaks.
215W NP for 18kmh.
Fully loaded is hard.

CBA to put my tent up now :rofl:


Congratulations! Hope mother and baby are doing well.

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Took one of those for my second boy!

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Absolute whack ride home :triumph::face_with_peeking_eye:
Burnt all of my matches last night, then kids playing on-site until 11:30pm, could hear the A6 Buxton Road all night, someone thought it wise to take a baby camping - who screamed all night - so I got little sleep. And then birds started at 4:30am.
So I got up at 4:50am, shovelled in my peanut butter and banana bagel, had a wash, got changed, pushed a button for a coffee (great facilities at Beechcroft Farm, and it was spotless!) and packed my tent away.

At 5:50am, I made the journey home.

Bloody freezing, as my route took me up a 1:6 for 2km to start the day, then skirted the dales. It’s bloody hilly in Derbyshire.

Soon, I was back on familiar roads, enjoying the illegal descent into the Goyt Valley (wrong way, one way) at just before 7am. :heart_eyes:

Then flat home :+1:t3::white_check_mark:
Average and NP WAS AWFUL :rofl:
Nothing in the tank at all.


Love that @Poet!

Gym first thing for me.


Same 60 k ish ride
Aero helmet ( god those things are uncomfortable) and an old tt heap saw me 5 mins faster than weds.

Gorgeous day for it. !


1h50m jog. V hot. V slow. Im telling myself I’m not heat adapted as it’s easier thinking that vs just being a bit fat and slow!


Went out after our dog walk + picnic for an easy 5km jog. 5:40/km :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye:

Easy. But actually could not move any quicker.


5km run first thing, lovely morning for it.

First time running any sort of elevation post calf injury.

5.04km. 66m elevation. 22:03.


An absolutely pathetic ride from me this morning. But on the bright side, at least I got out - was severely tempted to not bother. As per the maintenance thread forced out on the tri bike due to split tyre on my roadie.

Legs - pretty shit.
Back - medium shit.
Neck - very shit.
Chest - a bit shit.
Bike - medium shit. 1 constant creak and stupid front shifter playing up again. Think the brake was rubbing too. :roll_eyes:
Route - not bad. Mostly OK. Couple of crappy sections, especially on a TT bike!
Weather - perfect.

Hiding on a bench on the beach now, as this is my last bit of peace. Dropping Mrs GB off this arvo to go to the big smoke for a course. I’m them Jason Derulo with the kids until Friday.


Very grateful I deferred that race now. Achilles being no better and i think, based on the ride I’ve just done, I’d have genuinely struggled to get round a 94km course! :roll_eyes:


So a bit shit then?
Cycling for most of us is just time and repetition.

Hopefully you will get some sort of regime going for your 70.3 later in the year, with that run speed potentially there’s a very good race in there somewere.


Took a trip to Lazy Town last night for a 12 hour sleep :zzz::sleeping::sleeping_bed:

Out of bed and onto the bike at 7:37am
100km. Standard route. My back (reaching the drops was a struggle :rofl:) and the wind had other ideas :triumph:

235W NP

15hrs this week :grapes::pinched_fingers:t2::tada:
Which includes three runs and three swims.

@Mungo2 - You doing Cheshire Triathlon next week :face_with_peeking_eye:


That’s the plan.

You in?

Nice week


Dunno :man_shrugging:t4:

I saw some of the signage on my ride today ‘tis all.

EDIT: I do know.

EIGHTY NINE EFFING POUNDS FOR A NON-BTF SPRINT :exploding_head::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::triumph:

Matlock is <£15.
Long Eaton was ~£20 (cancelled this year due to lack of numbers)

£89 for a sprint is insane.


My brother lives on the run course
My dad lives in posh Crewe and my son is supporting otherwise I wouldn’t do it
You can get a 15% discount code that takes 24 hours to come.

But I think last chance to enter is early this week

I’ve gone in the loony wave ( to get a lay in after the fury fight ) just a bit of fun.

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