Training - What Training?!

Harder intervals today
11x 500 m runs @ 15.5 kph
In between rows and skis !
Finished with 100 wall balls first time I’ve ever done 5x20, I’m still crap but I’m less crap I guess … any way I’ll put yesterdays bike pic up before I get banned !

Happy weekend !


Woke up for an easy swim.
Knackered. Bummed it off.
That’s a big ass block just finished.

Over the past 90 days, I’ve got my CTL from 31 to 89 :face_with_peeking_eye::flushed:
Off ~10hrs per week.

Got a sub6 400m swim. Sub3 200m swim. A few 1:25/100m.

Some decent bike efforts, nothing near FTP, just endurance is good and I can just keep chugging out ~200W all day.

Run is a bit off. About 12s/km over 5km? But I’ve only done one effort and was rewarded with 1st place for a 19:30.

No special training method. Just all on feel.
Diet is a million times better than 2023, dropped nearly 18kg so far in 2024 … another 5kg to go.

So all good here :white_check_mark::hugs:


Genuinely, that’s remarkable (especially as we are only 6 months in).

Whats changed? Just eating sensibly or following a more plan.

Either you were eating like a beast last year, or you’ve properly upped your game this year (or both).


I was 100kg a week before Christmas.
I stopped drinking. Totally.
With that comes less snacking and better sleep.
With better sleep comes less irritability.
With that comes more patience.
With that comes more time to cook :man_cook:t2:

Also, I got diagnosed with heart disease back in March/April, maybe as a result of high cholesterol and hypertension, so I pretty much changed my diet.

Beetroot juice, Benecol, no butter, massively reduced salt. Blah blah blah.

And regular exercise.
There is no secret recipe.

In imperial, and CICO (:face_with_peeking_eye:), it’s only 1.5lbs per week. Or a 750cal deficit. Which is like 3 runs. Or four/five beers :scream:


Absolutely stunning morning here today. Sea is gorgeous, sun is out.

Creating my own little Saturday ritual with a GB parkrun in Sidmouth whilst the kiddo trains. Then I can cool the legs off in the sea and get a coffee and a pastel del nata from the cafe. Bliss! :heart_eyes:

Thought I was slow and shite up the hill again as I felt weak and the heat hit me. But both reps were actually very similar, and one was a pb for the up and down segment. And I’ve done that tonnes of times. Plus did a lumpy 16km yesterday.


Easy 2500m OWS this morning

Then waited for the sun to get out for some Frankfurt training.

This turned out to be a stupid idea :rofl:

1hr 50min to first drink refill stop.
Decided to ride past the one an hour after that and was down to the last drops by the time I was back at the Co-Op 2hrs 10min later.

I’d stuck a 1.5l bottle of coke in the fridge the first time round so grabbed that and a bag of ice to try and cool down.

Last hour home was a bit crappy but managed just.

Overall it was 5 hours at pretty much IM intensity when still feeling fatigued so not all bad.


Miles. Feet. Fahrenheit.
What is this madness of which you speak???

You must run hot?
I had 650ml on my 120km ride yesterday :flushed:
It was only 14° and my Urine was a delicious colour and didn’t burn at all after I’d finished my run. :joy:

Normally, I’d drink 500-750ml per 50km.

Anyways, nice work :ok_hand::heart:


Years ago I went to Silverstone to meet with Precision Hydration as I was getting A LOT of cramping issues.

They stuck a little device on me to get some sweat.

Guy said he’d never seen it fill up so quickly.

GF always comments that I’m like a furnace all the time.

I dread to think how much fluid I lose in a session


10km for me today. 5km to parkrun and then shuffled around.


If using those archaic units, shouldn’t it at least be consistent and have power measured in hp and energy in BTU ?

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DON’T :joy:
A guy I ride with uses miles for distance and metres for elevation :joy::joy::joy:


Maybe I should keep an eye on Hrv

Maybe I should pay attention when my lactate threshold stats dive

Maybe a night of torso cramps and 24hrs sleeping wasn’t unpredictable

Okay today though :+1:


True facts.
I felt like my 2021 self this morning :heart_eyes::ok_hand:t4:

Easy 6km run, 4:20/km.
even had a ”hill” in there.


Wanted to get out for a big ride today but got hit some rain about an hour in that froze me to the bone. Not quite shaking like a shitting dog but so cold, lost feeling in my hands and feet and was generally pretty miserable. Guy I was with is racing Roth next week and wanted to call it a day. Bloody typical, beautiful weather all week and the day I try to ride it shits it down. Aiming for another shift on the turbo once I’ve done some house work and cleaned my bike!


I got out for an outdoor ride, depsite both mates bailing. So quite chuffed I followed through as would’ve been easy to sack it off.

Rode with just the map on the screen. No hr, power, speed. Made it much more enjoyable.

58km and 679m elevation on some really, really crappy roads. The lanes have gotten even worse around here. Often having the choice of overgrown spiky hedge to the left, massive series of potholes in front or a nice mound of 3cm thick sand and gravel in the centre! :joy:

Enjoyed the ride. But then depressed myself by looking at the numbers when I got home and comparing them to this time last year. Not helpful at all!

Still. That’s 3.15 cycling and 3.15 running this week. Plus some S&C stuff. I’ve not felt especially spritely in the heat, so I’ll take that.


Really great 9 mile run :man_running: :dash:

Moving nicely. Something’s working for me at the moment. Don’t know what. Long may it continue

Starting golf lessons next month lol


15 x 100m swim. 1:28/100m average pace.
No warm up. No cool down.
Just swim.
BusyAF, so there’s a fair bit of improvement to be had from a quieter lane, so pace is all over the place. I’d benefit from Turning the beeps on for 1:28 pace.


30sec rest though so really only 2min/100 pace :wink:


Mwah ha ha ha.
Yeah, taking that from what @Chriswim and @Hammerer said about triathletes not taking a large enough rest on swim sets.

If I was doing 6:00 for 1.6km on the track, you can be sure as heck I’d be taking a 2:00 recovery.

Which is 25% :ok_hand:t5:

Taking 30s rest on those instead of just 15s makes them massively easier, too. Just felt super “flowy” and really nice and effortless all of the way through.


Nothing today.

Went out yesterday for an easy 30 minute run to finish off an (reasonably) easy week and the muscle in my back flared up again.

Seems to be an inflamed external intercostal on the back right side.

Did some heat and stretching yesterday, but it was very stiff at 5am, so decided doing 50 miles before work and 35 after, wasn’t maybe the best idea.

Have shifted everything forward one day, so bike tomorrow, swim Weds and then run on Thursday.

Hoping it settles down, otherwise that will be the nail in the coffin of IM (again) this year,